Small s Super

The first explosion blew a hole in the outer perimeter, the Academy defenses were scrambled immediately.

The second explosion collapsed a section of the secondary wall 30 seconds later... it was 10 kilometers deeper in.


"What is happening!" General Hamish, yelled. He had been alone his office when the first alarm was sounded. Immediately he was connected to the Academy defense action team by his priority OHUD. He was virtually in their command centre, and they could see him as well.

"Sir, we've mobilized a squad to the outer wall, there has been a breach. It appears to be quite small. Awaiting their arrival to the locale." A soldier with a Captain's insignia said. That is when the second alarm sounded.

"Captain, I can see that is for the secondary wall, a similar small breach. I now authorize Super Protocols be employed. Unleash the Ashigaru Squad.

"Yes Sir! Immediately Sir." The man saluted.

General Hamish turned his attention to the data on his display. The size of the first breach would only allow one man at a time to pass through single file, no vehicles or sizeable equipment would fit. That the second wall breach happened so quickly told him that they were dealing with at least a small s Super, or someone with incredible equipment. Either way, the Ashigaru was the special equipment squad, trained to deal with exceptional threats using technology... the only way to somewhat match the Supers. Or slow them down until one of the Emperor's Supers came to help. Hamish didn't like making that call, but it happened automatically as soon as the Super Protocol was initiated. The Academy was an important resource for the Emperor.

'Give him hell boys,' Hamish thought.


Walking with a sword at his waist was not something Shin was used to yet. It was even more awkward during classes, he had to carefully watch the other Shimin to see what the protocol was. Luckily Kyle took pity on him and showed him how they carefully placed their sheathed swords behind them.

"Isn't it awkward to grab them if they are needed here?" Shin asked.

"Exactly! The idea is to make your weapon as unthreatening as possible with allies and people you respect. Like in an old Samurai flick." Kyle smiled, enjoying being the senior one with someone in the Shimin program. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of this. This is more ceremonial anyways, we learn to use some crazy weapons in the --"

"Bruh-gah, bruh-gah, bruh-gah..." A loud droning alarm sounded, cutting Kyle off mid sentence.

"Follow me, the nearest secure lock down station is this way." Kyle said. He stood up fluidly, somehow already securing his sword in his belt. "Let's go."


"Line up for the Lieutenant, men." A gruff voiced man said, though, through the visor of his helmet, he must have only been in his early 20s.

"Yes Sargent!" twelve troops said as one. These men weren't dressed like the students in their dress uniforms. Each looked a little like high tech ninjas because their dark helmets had a smoked visor over their eyes, and their mouths were covered by a fitted guard that extended down their neck and under their chest plate. The rest of the dark armour looked fitted and contoured to their bodies, almost like an exoskeleton with a matte finish. The joints and seams all seemed to be of a flexible mesh material, with covered cables and pistons connecting sections. They each had low profile back mounted panels, but they had different weapons that were attached to it. A few sword handles, assault rifles, and shotgun stocks peaked over the soldiers' shoulders.

"Thank you Sargent." a tall dark haired man said. Lieutenant Dan surveyed the Ashigaru squad of his Super busting platoon. They were all highly trained, and expertly outfitted. The regular soldiers stationed at the Academy often didn't have high HPA's, or hadn't received their full augmentation yet, but the Super Platoon members had all received some augmentation. Each was noticeably faster, stronger and tougher than a regular human. "Men, we don't know much about the threat other than they display great speed, and have strong explosive equipment or powers. They breached the outer wall one minute ago, and should arrive at the southern inner wall entrance in 30 seconds. Intercept them there."

"Yes sir, Lieutenant, Sir!" They said as one.


"BOOM" A man sized hole was blown through the wall, right beside the gate leading into the main campus. Flash Bomb was surprised with how much land the Academy occupied, though space had not been issue after the Super-Apocalypse. He wondered how many defense systems and guard teams he circumvented by virtue of his speed?

"Bzzzak" a lance of blinding white energy flashed towards Flash Bomb and the hole he made in the wall. He had already changed his direction as soon as the wall blew though, he sensed the soldiers waiting for him through his accelerated senses. He could see twelve well armed men who looked impressively armoured, but, moving slowly in his accelerated vision. Without pausing he threw a handful of smart bombs with one hand and fired 6 blaster shots with the other. The bombs' AI targeted different soldiers, and they found their marks at nearly super sonic speed because of the velocity Flash Bomb threw them.

"Boooooom" the six explosions blended together in one long sound, as they all detonated at nearly the same time. Dust and debris filled the entrance parade grounds, but Flash Bomb continued forward, knowing he had limited time to complete his mission.

He had left the grounds, and was moving forward at a speed that a supercar would have trouble matching, when he was hit by a modulated energy blast. It had made a 'Psssshwooow' sound before it hit him.

He stumbled wildly, but that didn't seem to affect the soldiers' aim, as he was hit by several bullets and blasts in the next second, throwing him off his feet and straight into the side of building. He would have hit that wall if it didn't explode right before he touched it.

'Interesting,' Flash Bomb thought. 'With my level of power, it is best to avoid fighting a whole base. Who would have guessed a mere 12 men could slow me down though?' Flash Bomb could remember when the world was simpler, and he was just Stuart. Those days were long gone now, and he couldn't complain about the life of excess and excitement he had as a small s Super Mercenary. He wanted to turn back and fight these guys, see what they could do, but the mission had to come first. He could tell from the overlay on his mask's view screen that the building he was in connected to the research labs.

'I'll probably have to blow through a lot of security doors and walls to get there. Literally why I get hired for these kind of operations. I should change my name to Smash and Grab.' It wasn't the first time Flash Bomb thought this. He believed he was a great fighter, but in the hierarchy of Supers there were many that could take out this entire base with hardly a thought.


"Lieutenant, the bogey has entered Class Building S3. We are in pursuit. We can confirm that it is a small s Super with super speed and packing some heavy hitting weapons." the Sargent of the Ashigaru said while running full tilt after the Super, his modified assault rifle in his hands.

"Any casualties Sargent?"

"None Sir. The Super attacked with bombs and blasters, but they didn't leave a scratch on these Mark III Exo-suits."

"Pursue with all speed Sargent, we will feed you coordinate data if he is out of sight. The rest of the Super Buster platoon is ready. We just need to know where he is going."