Mighty Mimi

The wall over Mimi's head cratered, shards of glass-crete peppering her head. 'Time to move,' she thought. She crawled behind the study hall tables and looked towards her goal, the biometrically locked security bunker access port. The path was clear, but she still had to make it to that side of the room and there was a full platoon battling a super powered shit head in the building. 'I should have gone into the security room with the rest of the class instead of doing a perimeter check,' she thought again. The fighting had started in the building just after she'd confirmed none of the students were hiding under a table or in a cabinet.

'I need to move. A stray shot won't just injure me.' There were a few other holes in the walls and furniture of the hall, and she could hear the weapons' fire and explosions getting closer. 'Action beats inaction. Is that the saying?' Mimi thought. She shook her head slightly, gripped the edge of the table and used it to stand quickly. She ran.

A wall exploded nearby, the force and fragments enough to knock her back and down.

"Arrrrhg,' escaped her lips. She closed her mouth tightly, the corners of her eyes crinkled like wax paper. 'Am I hit,' she thought while running her hands over her body. She found a few sore spots, and some blood was running from a cut by her ear, but she was whole. A sharp pain shot through her from the root of her brain, and she was pulled up to her feet.

"It looks like your day just got worse little girl," a man said near her injured ear. The handful of hair his hand was shoved in felt like it would tear away from her scalp any second. "Don't move, it's about to get interesting."

Six soldiers ran through the opening in the wall, each carrying very big weapons. Mimi noticed they weren't wearing the standard Norther Empire battle armour. 'Who are they?' Her vision seemed to narrow so she could only see the markings on the arms of the newcomers armour, 'Super Buster Platoon,' she realized, and this made sense to her. Her shoulders relaxed slightly, and she could see that more soldiers were outside the hall by the hole, weapons raised.

"Release the girl and surrender," a speaker augmented voice called out. Mimi wasn't sure which soldier the demand came from, but she was reassured no one had fired yet. These were soldiers, not police officers like she'd seen in pre apocalypse films.

"Look Captain, Major, Lieutenant or whatever your stupid rank is, I'm leaving this place with the nano particles. It's up to you how many people die before that happens. Do you want this student's blood all over you before I start tearing through your men?"

"That isn't going to happen Shit Blaster. You're surrounded and outgunned. Surrender." The voice said again, probably coming from the closest soldier if Mimi had to guess. These soldiers were wearing very impressive armour. She'd learned about the Super Buster platoon stationed here, but students and soldiers only crossed paths during lessons, so this was the first time she'd seen them outfitted.

"Ha. Shit Blaster, I like that. Call me Flash Bomb if you need a name," the Super said. He did smile. "Look, if I use my power to speed out of here, it is going to blow her up. She isn't wearing armour like yours. Is a science experiment really worth more blood?"

Mimi's eyes widened, and she pulled away from the man, but he yanked her back. Her hair held tight between her scalp and his hand. 'So this is how I die. I haven't even had my first kiss yet,' she thought. Her cheeks blushed, though it was hard to discern through the blood and her already flushed complexion. 'I hope Shin is ok.' Thoughts of Shin seemed a little out of place, but, almost without meaning to, she opened up her OHUD command suite. Looking at her hands, she engaged the virtual type function and sent this message:

[Private Shin. Battle with the Super has been engaged in the Junior's Building. Class 4 is secure. Stay safe.]

Her eyes widened a little with moisture as she sent the message and closed her OHUD. 'I guess that was a goodbye letter,' she thought.

More soldiers entered the room, and she could tell others were outside the door. Waiting. Judging by the weapons she saw, the man holding her must be super resilient. Humans had learned, the hard way, that most Supers were resilient and it was the least of their powers.

"Listen girl. I don't care if you die, but that isn't what I'm here for. I just need to get these out of here," Flash Bomb said, leaning right into her ear. He patted a pouch secured on his midsection. "Be good a little longer."

Mimi felt a tingle across her skin, and a slight change in air pressure, when the wall behind Flash Bomb exploded. An arm wrapped around her waist and she was carried along as he jumped back through the hole he'd made. From the third floor.

Mimi was in his arms by the time they landed, and he turned and started running away. Held this way, she saw the Buster Platoon follow, none shying away from the three storey drop. They wouldn't be able to catch them though. She felt the force of his power exploding unseen behind them, propelling them forward like Wylie Coyote out of a cannon, with no Road Runner in sight.

Mimi saw his feet touch the ground, but his incredible speed wasn't generated by them. She turned her head and saw they were approaching the edge of the campus building area. The Buster Platoon far behind now. 'Will he really let me go?'

A blur streaked towards them from the last building. 'Is it blurry because we are moving so fast, or it is?' she thought. 'I don't think the Buster Platoon has any gear that gives super speed boosts though.'

Whatever it was, it wasn't going to make it, Flash Bomb was too fast. She blinked back the tears that ran up and across her face in the wind tunnel she was carried in.

Which was why she didn't see how she was thrown in the air, suddenly and at furious speed. It was like being released from a slingshot. 'Am I moving even faster than Flash Bomb was?'

Forcing her eyes open, she caught a glimpse of a Northern Empire Military jacket before crashing into it. The impact was softer than she expected, but hard enough that bones were probably broken. Mimi didn't really have time to assess, they hit the ground rolled a dozen metres. 'I'm alive,' she thought, and raised her gaze to see who her crash pad had been. 'I wonder if they are?'

"Fancy meeting you here, Corporal," Shin said. He held her against his chest, a smile creasing his dirty face.

She was in pain, all over, but she smiled too before her eyes closed and consciousness slipped away.