
Shin saw the lightly mechanized unit go down in front of him, covered by a group of horrifying looking monsters. He knew they were actually humans, or at least they were at one point. He'd been close enough to their teeth, claws, and outrageous strength to know that they were more than a match for the light Mech units.

It's been a long year, Shin never thought he would get to use his training so directly, so soon. The difference between fighting in class and killing another person was vast . 'I thought it would change me, but killing is just something that has to be done if you want to survive,' he thought to himself often during this war. Shin knew from a young age that he was already changed though. Losing your whole family does that to a person. It doesn't necessarily make you selfish, but it does make you realize that the world is a harsh place and you have to be harsh to survive as long as you can.