Super Battle

Haunted by his defeat over a year ago, Kay launched himself at the figure.  Launched might not be the right word, since he was traveling nearly at the speed of light, but he closed the distance decisively. His scales were incandescent in the vacuum of space, and they seemed dull compared to the torrent of fire and power he let loose from his maw.

It was so thick that it resembled plasma more than fire,  it shot through the vacuum leaving tendrils of electricity and free-floating ions. The superheated mass of his energy attack engulfed his enemy, and he stopped short to see the results. 'I took care of this one fast he,' thought.

It looked like a small newborn star was swirling in the darkness. Kay relished unleashing his power, not worrying about repercussions. The Earth was fragile, it wasn't meant for the kind of powers the Supers had, yet they were defending it.