
Shin always heard that your life flashed before your eyes right before you died, but Shin had just lived nearly a lifetime in his head, so he didn't have much left to flash on.

Shinja was yelling two, "God damn it! It's funny that we had years and years to prepare for this and, yet…" he paused, then said, "God damn it."

In the seconds before he landed, Shin decided it wasn't cowardly to close his eyes and wait for the end.

He collided, his entire body went rigid with tension, as if that would somehow armour it.  Strangely though it was softer and more yielding than he expected the granite cave floor to be.

"You can't escape that easily, Shin, my dear." The dark goddess whispered in his ear.

Shin barely heard her, as his consciousness was escaping him fast.  'Shinja,' he thought, worried about his friend. 

"Wuaaaghh," Shin screamed, as he woke suddenly and raised his hands in front of his face, as if he was about to hit a granite floor.