[Bonus chapter] Black Ops Genetics

General Hamish surveyed the semi-operational lab they had pulled together in the wreckage of this ancient site. Apparently it had been sealed almost like a time capsule, and a surprising amount of equipment was still salvageable. By their best estimates, some of these things were a millennium, or more, old.

That opened up some very profound questions about the progress of humanity in general. Questions that Hamish did not have the education, information, or inclination to answer. He knew his Emperor believed there are secrets about the human genome contained in the research conducted in this lab that will make his soldiers stronger.

'Good enough for me,' he thought.

"General Hamish, sir," a Sargent said, and then saluted. 

"Yes, Sargent."

"We have found something interesting, the recovery team has requested your presence."

"Lead the way."