
He was surrounded by lights and sounds, motion and stillness.  He couldn't really see, 'are my eyes covered,' but he felt the energy of a crowd around him.  There was a smell in the air too, smokey and salty, like sweat, blood and fire.

He tried opening his eyes, and they were covered.  'Do I move, will that alert whoever is here?'  He was trying to think clearly, but it was hard, his head was very foggy.

'If they wanted to kill me, it would have been easy, right?' Very slowly, he tried to move his hands, then his arms, striving to mimic the small movements someone would make in their sleep.  'I don't seem to be tied up, that is a good sign.  I need to see what is happening without them knowing I'm awake,' he thought.

Still pretending to be asleep, he started to roll on his side, thinking the covering from his eyes would naturally drop off that way.