Hell Hath no Fury

Zane stared at the crumpled form of the Shimin bitch he just shot.  She had looked at the hole in her side, swore, and then just fell over.  Blood was spreading around her..

"Oh no, oh shit," Zane said.  He wasn't planning to kill anyone, that was definitely out of bounds, even for his family. Right?  When he saw her toying with them though, he thought, 'This bitch thinks she's better than us.  She's just a non-mented karate freak'.  He pulled his secret mini pistol, thinking he'd just scare her.  He'd make her realize she wasn't that special.

Then she turned and his finger just, well, it pulled the trigger on its own.

He scrambled to his feet, and helped Ted, who had just been thrown to the ground, up.  Then he looked at the other two. "Time to move. We were never here."