Dragon Meat

General Redwine did look over at Shin in all of the confusion, he had to, Shin was his charge from his Queen. What he saw would keep him awake for many a long night, the rest of his life. 

Amidst the screams, blood, and the terror of the ground dragons vicious attack, he saw Shin by himself, unmoving, radiating a coldness so deep that General Redwine felt like it was slowing him down. Then, for a brief flash, Shin's eyes turned into a swirling blue vortex. Redwine had never seen anything like it.  The irises bled out and swirled, covering his eyes in an electric blue storm cloud. 'What is happening?' Redwine had time to wonder, despite the dire situation.

Then Shin disappeared. Redwine shook his head and looked all around, but he was gone. It wasn't super speed, it always left telltale signs, like a sonic boom or damage to the floor.  He just vanished. He blinked and every surviving member of his squad was next to him, looking very confused.