Skipping Round 3

The fighting was brutal. Two of Mimi's classmates were in the ring together, faces bloodied and clothing torn. She knew one of them, a girl named Amanda who sometimes trained with the same martial arts master.  Amanda had just been kicked in the face. Her nose looked out of place now.

"Major, these fights are more intense than we are used to," Liz said.  Liz was the only other cadet, aside from Mimi and Debbie, to defeat the dark mech AI in the last qualifying challenge. Like Mimi and Debbie, Liz was given a bye into the ranking rounds for the final tournament.

"They are, Private. This is the format for the World ranking tournament though, so we need to put forward a fighter who can handle this kind of battle. Point-based tournament fighting is very different from knockout or submission fighting," Major Damien said.