Elliot Plans

"That data doesn't belong to you. Why are you doing this?" Hamish said, though the fight had clearly gone out of him.  He knew he was dealing with someone that was close, if not in fact, to being a Super.

"How do you know? I can tell you for sure that this data does not belong to you or anyone else from this era."

"How do I know, what?" Hamish said, his face crinkling in confusion. "That it doesn't belong to you? This is an ancient lab that has been sealed for centuries, at least."

"Be that as it may, I'm taking the data.  It is unlikely your people would ever understand it. Better safe than sorry though, this is a Pandora's box that has already been opened once. I'm here to make sure humanity has learned from its mistakes." His eyes were intensely blue, and they conveyed determination and sadness.