[Bonus Chapter] Divergent Paths

[Convergence Cataclysm]

Elliot knew that he didn't have time to waste if he was going to establish himself and learn just what kind of people these Supers were.  Lots of despots and megalomaniacs tried to rule the world throughout history, but they usually didn't have super powers.  'Hah, I say that, but they had powers the last time I stepped in to stop a maniac from destroying the world,' Elliot thought while racing to his new base of operations.

He still had fond memories of finally being released from that lab prison:


Elliot opened his eyes.  Looking down at him was a beautiful woman with pink skin, and three wolf-faced men. He sat up and said, "Whoa, sorry. I was a little light headed there.  Maybe it was the adrenaline come down," he said.  He rubbed his head in embarrassment, but inside he was thinking, '200 freaking years. That's just not possible'.