Generals & Ancient Gods

It was strange coming to the Ottonto like this. They weren't exactly under arrest, but he couldn't convince himself this was a guard for his protection.  Shin almost forgot about Trent and his men as he walked through the avenues.  Each was paved in individual bricks of steel-crete, and the colours could be changed individually to create pictures and patterns.  Currently, Shin was walking down the avenue looking at a stylized dragon. 

The city was like he remembered in many ways: it was clean with towering buildings, open plazas filled with art and street stalls. The people were different this time though, today everyone walked with a sense of purpose, and there was less laughter and background conversation filling the air.

"Captain Trent?  Did something happen? The city seems very… subdued.  It is so quiet compared to when I last visited," Shin asked.  He was worried that another major event had happened while he was away.

"That's right, you wouldn't know!"