Mimi's Fury

The smoke still curled up around her, the air filled with the cloying scent of burnt flesh, hair, and synthetic materials.  The crowd of students and proctors alike were hushed, and the only sound was of Mimi's rapid, pained breaths.  She was standing though, and that was amazing on its own.

When the super heated steam had hit her, it didn't just start melting her skin, it was hot enough to ignite her exo-gi.  That shouldn't have happened, but it helped in a way, as the fire drew some of the heat from the steam and condensed it to water.  In turn helping to put out the fire.

Luckily Tonya couldn't, or didn't, ratchet up the pressure of her attack, or she could have sliced Mimi in two.

"Fucking hell.  Is the academy filled with secret prodigies?" Major Damien said.  His whole staff looked on from the observation booth in stunned silence, and no one answered him.