Speeches and raindrops

"The tournament is important, but don't think that is the only reason we are," General Leto said.  He was standing up at the head of the table, surveying the assembled finalists from the academy and the army. 

"There are hundreds of competitors, and only two prizes.  We are not here to win two prizes, we are here to become better. This is an unprecedented opportunity to see the best in the world and learn how we measure up." He took a drink and then raised his glass high.  "Don't be surprised if we are the best! But take every opportunity you can to learn and grow while we're here. That is the prize we will all win." The table was roused into calls and applause, a few of the army finalists whistled even.

Rhonda stood up next. She never looked as animated as Leto, but her presence was undeniable. The 24 other people at the table quickly hushed. "Leto is right.  We are here to learn, but there are things we can learn besides how to be better fighters."