Shin Awakens

Shin knew it was a dream.  'This is a dream right?' he asked Shinja.  And Shinja was beside him, wearing something that looked like an old fashioned martial arts Gi.

"Well, if you can see me Shin, this is probably not real.  Honestly, it feels the same as usual for me, so I am confident we are in your mind.  This is the first time you've manifested like this… or pulled me into your dreaming subconscious."

"Can you get us out of here?  How dangerous is our subconscious to us?"  Shin was worried, the landscape around them was pitch dark, but for a few splashes of dappled moonlight.  The slashes of brightness only made the dark seem deeper, and Shin didn't know what his mind was hiding.

A wind seemed to blow from nowhere and everywhere.  "Frieg, am I still a kid, afraid of a bad dream?" Shin said.  He looked towards Shinja for reassurance, but Shinja wasn't there.  "Shinja? Dude? Where are you?"