
Colours battered at his mind, a warp drive that he had no control over. It was overwhelming and exhilarating, he didn't know the destination, but felt that Lily had set him on a path towards growth.

'At least, I think she is helping me. That woman is so hard to understand…' Shin knew he probably shouldn't trust her just because she kissed him, finally. After all, she did torture him when they first met. It felt like a lifetime ago.

After the kiss, he felt incredible pain, so much that his mind went blank. When he came back to himself, the pain was gone and he couldn't access his body. His mind was hurtling through this vast starscape and he had no control. He couldn't say how long it had been. 'Why am I doing this? What is the point?' The questions ran through his head, but he had no answers, and there was nothing to see but the rushing lines of light all around. 'Am I travelling somewhere? I guess I just have to wait until I arrive.'