Start of Day Two

Ye Delun woke up in that room again. The familiar intricate patterns across the ceiling and the smell of fresh tea. He looked at his enlarged hand. He was also back in the same body as before. Ye Delun gave out a small sigh. He didn't want to be in this world for much longer. It bored him.

He moved out of the bed and checked himself in the mirror once again. He studied his face in the mirror and thought back on how Guo Niu had mistaken him as a girl. "What does he know..." he grumbled to himself. He took one of the fresh cookies set onto the tray and looked at the large picture of himself on the wall.

The man on the wall was definitely him. From the black eyes to the unkempt hair. Yet their face was long and slim. Not at all like Ye Delun's chubby-cheeked face. Not to mention the added height and muscle. Ye Delun was never able to gain the motivation to work out that much.

He didn't want to leave everyone waiting, so Ye Delun hurried to grab the cookies and walked out the door. He headed down the corridor at a medium pace. He admired the walls and lights that still adorned the walls.

"Ye Delun is that you?" Someone asked him. He turned his attention from the wall and saw Xiang Tingfeng and Kang Meixiu heading in the same direction he was.

"Hello." He said. He gave a small wave with the hand not holding the cookies. Xiang Tingfeng looked relieved at the sight of him. "It's nice to see you're safe." He jogged up to Ye Delun. Kang Meixiu gave him a nod, to which Ye Delun nodded back. "Mmm, you too."

Xiang Tingfeng spotted Ye Delun's hand carrying the baked goods and his eyes widened in surprise. "Are, are those cookies?" He asked. The three of them walked down the corridor towards the main room.

Ye Delun nodded his head. "Yeah. They were in my room." He chewed on another one. They tasted stale and plain. They weren't the best cookies, definitely not as good as his mother's. But he couldn't let them go to waste.

"And you took them?" Kang Meixiu queried. His eyes narrowed at Ye Delun. Ye Delun didn't mind and asked the both of them. "Yeah. Do you want one? I can give one to you?" He held one out to Kang Maixiu, who only grimaced slightly. "No, thank you. I don't have the stomach for it." They were about to walk into a room and see a person's dead body. How could he have the stomach for it?

Ye Delun didn't question him and looked at Xiang Tingfeng. "You?" He asked.

"Oh! Um, thank you." He stuttered as he gently took the small cookie from Ye Delun. Kang Maixiu gave the large awkward man a disapproved look. Xiang Tingfeng could only give him an embarrassed one back. 'How could I deny the guy?' Passed through his head. He observed the young man turn his head away from them and look back at the walls.

[The character 'Xiang Tingfeng' finds it complicated to converse with your unaffected personality, but is thankful that you were thinking of him!]

[The character 'Kang Maixiu' is slightly repealed by your nonchalance and is wary of letting you stay alone with the character 'Xiang Tingfeng'!]

Ye Delun took a single glance at the message and looked back at Kang Maixiu. His ice-blue eyes looked at him coldly. Ye Delun sweated slightly at the intimidating look. He took another cookie and held it in front of him. "Um... my mom used to say that sweets can help with nerves. These might not be all that sweet, but I'm sure they can help."

Kang Maixiu's eyes expanded. "What?"

"You said that you don't have the stomach for it. That's because you're nervous, right? This can help."

Kang Maixiu's lips parted in surprise and he stared at Ye Delun with wide eyes. Xiang Tingfeng at the side encouraged him, "He's right, Maixiu. There's nothing wrong with a little cookie, you should have it." Kang Maixiu turned and gave him a strange look, but he was only met with Xiang Tingfeng's smile.

"Alright, fine." He took the cookie from Ye Delun's hand and popped it in his mouth. The simple taste of the cookie soothed his tongue and his furled eyebrowed unconsciously unraveled. "See? Isn't that better?" Xiang Tingfeng gave him a pat on the shoulder. Kang Maixiu didn't seem all that amused and gave him a glare.

[The character 'Kang Maixiu' doesn't like your attitude, but has trust in your innocence!]

"Whatever." He put his hand on the main room door. But just before he opened it he turned to look at Ye Delun. "I'll give you some advice. Knock it off with that indifferent attitude of yours around everyone else, unless you want to have more people going against you like yesterday. It's suspicious."

Xiang Tingfeng stayed quiet at the side. He slouched slightly out of guilt. He was also thinking the same way, but out of his awkwardly kind nature, he wouldn't have ever been able to say it as bluntly as Kang Maixiu.

"I'm about to open up this door to find the dead body of someone that we met yesterday. We had to walk through those bedroom doors of ours and hope that we would be able to last the night. One of us didn't." Unnoticeable until now, Kang Maixiu's closed fist trembled. "And yet you're happily eating the cookies they left there without a second thought. It's pissing me off. Be at least a little aware of where you are right now." It was hard to tell with Kang Maixiu's composed character. But he was panicked on the inside. Without his choice, he was being sent to an unknown place during his dreams so that he could be killed by a random person for an unknown reason. It was only reasonable for him to be pissed. It was one of the best ways for him to hide how afraid he was.

Ye Delun's eyes shook at his proclamation. He thought that perhaps giving the cookies to the two of them would have eased things a little. All three of them had an awkward trait and found it hard to converse. So he thought that he would follow after his mother and share. But it didn't exactly have the effect that he thought it would.

'I guess it isn't exactly bad...' He thought back to the message. Kang Maixiu didn't think of him suspiciously because he thought that it was just in Ye Delun's nature to act so calmly. And although Kang Maixiu wasn't exactly wrong. He isn't exactly completely in the right either.

Although he wanted to mingle along with everyone else, Ye Delun didn't know how to fix his attitude as Kang Maixui advised him. Ye Delun had always been like this. How would he change the way he's always been? His mother had always tried to teach him how to read a room, but he didn't think he was very good at it. Especially in places like this. How was he supposed to act scared when he was the one murdering them? Or even, how was he supposed to be scared when this was nothing?

"I'll try." Was all that he could say. Kang Maixiu looked even more annoyed but didn't bring up the topic any longer. "Alright then." He said. To which he then opened up the door.