
Of course, she is a monster…and yes, she is our beloved! What do I mean? How do we love a monster let alone raising one? No! No! No! All the wrong questions. Let us take a step back and think. How long shall we bleed and suffer at the edge of our own sword? What anguish and the hell am I talking about, you ask. Well, let us take it from the top.

Let us start with what we missed, or, what we choose to ignore. Who is a monster? Well, English and any other language will tell you that, it is an imaginary creature that is large, ugly and frightening. There it is, large, ugly and threatening. How does one start to fall for such traits? Even bitter is, we fell for it eons ago. We ignored and she got us questioning our intellect. She fed on growing big enough ridiculing the now little angel none values no more.

The best way to win a battle is to have enemies fight themselves. It is also true that, the easiest way to lose one is by underestimating your enemy. The minute you have someone having doubts about themselves, it does not matter how smart they are, in the end, they be the fools. Now, have the doubts yourself and, the fool becomes genius.

Believe me; it gets worse when the person fighting against you is yourself. Not long ago, I mentioned having ignorance. How dangerous can a monster be? The definition says it all. It is an 'imaginary creature'. Well, get it from me. That is the very reason it is dangerous and weakening us each day. In fact, we do not ignore the fact; we embrace it. We devote to feeding the monster. Being imaginary, the scary traits make no sense. The qualities we end up ignoring.

Love is the greatest emotion. Falling in love is the best feeling ever. It gives one the 'courage' to ignore the obvious. That is why we go ahead to say, love conquers all! It survives the odds of time. How comforting. Others will say, love is stupid, or, at least, it makes someone do silly things. Indeed, we be crazy in and for love. It is for this reason we breed a monster amongst us feeding it each day with everything we have.

A relationship without challenges is not an honest one. So I have heard. Wait a minute… Should we create problems to prove the relationship honest? Some will advise...we should not. Let us cherish what we got. Me, well...not quite. I advise doing everything within our power to make sure it is the perfect match. We cannot create what is already there. In other words, it is time to become the annoying partners. If they stay, it was meant. If not, well... do not just up and leave! We should embrace the little angel by giving the monster what she necessitates least. Our full attention! In the end, we just need her around.

I am sorry to be the voice of dispute but I ought to. Her name is Civilization. With her comes all the evil we see. No... You do not mean she is the monster! Of course not. Not a chance! She is no monster. She; is our 'Beloved Leviathan' and, you put it right. We do love her so much that, we do anything and everything for her. She has been so good to us. All she has done is make our lives better. She is no monster, no way! Melodies…melodies...melodies. Melodies that we sing each day in her praise.

Confessing our undoubting, blinding and sickening love for her. Always busy to grant her wishes forgetting, ours matter as well. Too afraid for her departure that we live in doubts and fear of the unknown. We give more than she is offering.

We deserve better and she can live up to it but, it only depends on whether we are ready to hurt her feelings for the sake of a happily ever after. Only through this that the small angel none values no more will outgrow the monster that we feed each day with everything we got.