Chapter 12

"What is your name warrior?" the Princess asked.

"My name is Judas your highness," he replied.

"Do you know the reason you are hear?" asked Dorothy?

No my Princess. I do not know why I was summoned," Judas said.

"Are you familiar with what happens to those warriors who mess around with the King's maidens?"

"Yes I am very much aware my Princess but, what does that have to do with me?"

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me about it."

"Sorry to question you my Princess but, why should I tell you about it?"

"Well, as funny as that is, it has come to my attention that, you have been messing around with a King's maiden."

"Forgive me my Princess but that is not true. I know not about this maiden you talk about."

"Assuming that were true, who do you think the King would believe, ah? Is it a warrior, or, the most trusted Princess of the land?"

"Why would you do this to me my Princess? I have done nothing wrong."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you warrior. What did Mwithali have you do?"

"We just told the truth about what had happened at the battlefield."

"Of course you did, but, would you want me to tell the truth about the maiden?"

"No my Princess, I would not. What would you have me do to make this go away?"

"All I just want is for you to revoke your testimony against Joseph. I will protect you."

"But my Princess, will I not be accused of lying to my King and the throne?"

"As I said, I will protect you. Worry about the testimony and let me worry about that. I am the Princess, remember?"

"I trust your word for it my Princess. I am sorry I had to testify against him."

After the warrior said it all, it was still not enough. The Princess needed this to look legitimate and therefore needed the King to hear from the horse's mouth. She persuaded the warrior to be a witness. She also told him other things he was supposed to add to his evidence.

This was in exchange for his being pardoned and set free off his crime of lying to the throne and implicating the Captain. He was not to be tried with the others neither was he to face execution. Later, Judas was called to the palace and was asked to testify. Since he was among those testifying against the Captain, Martin was shocked to see him again.

"Are you not one of the warriors testifying against the Captain?" the King asked Judas.

"Yes your majesty. I am one of them sir," replied Judas.

"Tell me, what brings you here again warrior?" asked the King.

"I am here to withdraw my false testimony against Joseph and give a proper testimony of what happened," said Judas.

"You know very well that, bearing false witness against anyone is a crime, leave alone the Captain?" asked the King once more.

"Yes your highness. I am much aware of that," answered Judas.

"This means that, you are also aware of the punishment and that you are willing to face it. Remember, we know that you are trying to right your wrong but even though, you must face your judgment," continued the King.

"Yes your majesty, I am well acquainted to these facts and for that I apologize to the throne, the people of Kamu and the Captain." The warrior said.

"Well then warrior, you may proceed to enlighten us," said the King.

The warrior went ahead with the confession. This confession implicated Mwithali and his crew, and got Joseph off the manacles. After the warrior was through, the King commanded him to be thrown into the dungeon in wait for his fate. He commanded Mwithali to be called at once.

Upon Mwithali' arrival at the palace, he was full of joy thinking that, he was to be sworn in as the Captain. To his surprise, the ball was no longer on his court. Martin was full of rage and in question why Mwithali would make up such a lie. He was questioned and denied them all.

"It has come to my attention that you lied against Joseph and gave us a false witness so that, he could be executed and you take on his Captainship. This also explains the smile on your face as you were coming in. Why did you have to do this Mwithali?" asked the King.

"My lord that is not true. I would never give a false testimony against Joseph. Besides, I am not the only one that testified against him. Whoever says this must be lying against me," said Mwithali.

"Are you saying that the Princess is a liar? What are you leading to, warrior?" asked Martin.

"I am not saying that my King, but if she says my testimony against Joseph is a lie, then she is lying," said Mwithali.

"You know Mwithali; I never thought your hatred for Joseph could go to the extent of even lying to me, your King and the throne just to fulfill your selfish wish. I am disappointed in you. Ooh, and in case you do not know, one of your witnesses told us otherwise. …Mwithali, killing Joseph could never get you onto that command. You were always not fit to lead," said the King.

"It is sad it had to end this way for you Mwithali. Next time try to be more creative and think about the consequences," said Dorothy.

"Why should I be creative my princess; after all this I stand no chance of life again? I will finally die. It all ends here as you just said," said Mwithali.

"Of course I know this but, I suppose you might want to trick Satan in hell too because, that's where you are headed," replied Dorothy.

On hearing this, he was speechless and he knew that the cat was out of the bag. It was time for him to face the music. To his surprise, the warrior was called and told to prove what he was saying. The warrior accused him of organizing a mutiny and bearing false witness against the Captain.

Igamba irigwete mwanki (the case is on fire). Testimony after another as Mwithali and his crew fought for their lives. The King decided to adjourn the case to a later time before meeting the council. This was no music to Dorothy's ears but she had nothing more to do other than wait.

Luckily enough, Jessica claimed to have a testimony that could help the case. This came as a surprise to all in the room, because nobody expected Jessica's involvement of all others.

"This is becoming interesting as it goes. Jessica, what do you have for us now?" asked Martin in surprise.

"Your majesty, I am honored for this opportunity to defend the crown and my loyalty to the throne. I witness that, a day before the Captain's implication, I overheard Mwithali and his warriors plan of how they were to flame the Captain so that he could take over. After taking over, he said he wanted to corrupt as many warriors as possible in order to form a 'coupe de tat' and overthrow you your highness. That will be all," said Jessica.

Without much ado, Mwithali and his warriors were thrown into the dungeon in wait for the trial before the council. Martin was furious and surprised that, all this was happening at his nose without him having the slightest clue. Martin thanked the Princess abundantly. She on the contrary told him that he needed not thank her. She was doing her duty as a leader as well as watching his back.