chapter 5

Shayan was driving a vehicle all over town when he saw Maryam driving a taxi making the rounds he stops the vehicle and run behind him

Shayan rambunctiously Maryam.

Maryam stop the vehicle and she accepts the Shayan.

Maryam:It has been long time I have not seen you I miss you where were you are

Shayan:I miss you would we have the option to sit a few spot and talk

Maryam:yes why not go with me

Shayan walk around him and went in a housing

Lady waiter:What might you want to orchestrate

Maryam:I will a lot of need to take coffee and you Shayan

Shayan:Tea with rolls

Lady server: Okay

Maryam:So unveil to me where are you these days I thought you are fail horrendously and sorry with regards to the Anderson and your mom poeples are envisioning that you are kick the container in studio sway I was so stressed over you

Shayan:No I have rotated toward the sky on your thoughts so I left and studio and home

Maryam:That's extraordinary you are protected na all is well na

Shayan:I am protected I am glad that we met once more

Shayan is essentially to talk that server come and she drop the hot tea on Maryam

Server: Sorry man sorry

Shayan look at him angrily

Maryam:It's okay where is the washroom

Waitress:That way mam

Maryam:I will be just back in several minutes

Shayan: Okay

Maryam:don't come behind me in the washroom you attractive Maryam grinned

Shayan check out the Maryam face with grin

Server: Sorry sir I will bring one more tea for you

Shayan: Okay do it quicker

Lady server went to make tea again Shayan watch that he left the weapon and sharp edge in the vehicle

Shayan went behind him and look she was involved in making tea he saw a sharp edge he took a cutting edge and attacked on server neck and server tumbled down

Furthermore, he put off the sharp edge from where he had taken it and return and sit again and holding on for Maryam

Raza and Yassen was in the housing where that women and man got killed in the restroom they saw them the pic of Samra and ask them

Yassen:Hi I am from Chicago police have you seen this lady here beforehand

Waiter:Yes I have seen him with s man

Raza:How the man looks

Server: Young and appealing I figured they might be are couples however the ladies look more seasoned than the kid today young men say age doesn't make any difference yet the two of them not look great together

Raza:Do you know the name of man and have you seen that again Here

Waiter:No sir he just come on that day he came and ask me where is the restroom And later the woman came and she said where is that child gone she said I am with her

Raza and Yassen look each other

Yassen:Ok if you seen that again here call me on this number

Yassen give the server his number

Maryam: sorry

Shayan:Are you OK now

Maryam:Yes I am okay

Shayan:How are you

Maryam:I am fine

Shayan:Why you left your home

Maryam:Yeah I decided to live in with my darling

Shayan:You have not uncovered to me that you had a playmate

Maryam:You have never get some data about it and by the way where he leaves me

Shayan:Oh why he leaves you

Maryam:I have observe him sabotaging me and he was moreover getting back to his home china

Shayan: Sorry to learn regarding that

Maryam:No it's okay I have go now I really want to acquire some money I want to deal with my rent server bill please

Shayan; Don't pressure I will deal with the bill

Maryam:Are you sure

Shayan; Yes

Maryam:Give me your number I will reach out to you

Shayan:I am using a comparable number I was using already

Maryam stands up and was going when Shayan call him and said

Shayan: Would you like to go on a dinner with me

Maryam smile and said I will consider everything

Shayan stands up and said how regarding we appreciate

He got back to the road where he saw that his vehicle was circled by the police

Shayan:What the fuck