chapter 7

On the following morning when Shayan awaken he saw Maryam was not on a bed he went down the stairs to the house where he saw Maryam was occupied in kitchen Maryam saw Shayan and said great morning and grinned Shayan likewise said great morning where is the washroom Maryam:that side

Shayan:thank you

Maryam volumes up the television where she watch that final evening 3 people are observed killed in film lobby restroom Maryam saw the pics of them so they are the individuals who beat Shayan Maryam found this thing secretive Shayan returned from washroom when he saw paper

Maryam: That three people got killed express gratitude toward God you are protected

Shayan;yeah really I need to go at this point

Maryam; No do a morning meal with me first

Shayan;no thanks really I have a pressing work

Maryam: Shayan there is an executioner around here so remain face and I don't need a genuine sort of relationship at the present time so perhaps we should more opportunity to make it genuine I want to believe that you comprehend

Shayan;yes I comprehend

Shayan went in a vehicle and said bye to Maryam

It has been 7 days and Shayan had killed 50 poeples.And the police was finding the killer the police had made a gathering to find the killer because of the vehicle the police find a cutting edge and a weapon and police find a finger impact on it

The police official was bantering with a press that we will got a sharp edge and weapon and we have a novel finger impression of the killer and I promise you that the killer will be in jail in 7 days

Shayan was sitting in someone home with a dead man and smiling and said

Shayan:This bologna will caught me and chuckle

He took his phone from his pocket and call Maryam at this point she didn't go to the call

He recalls the TV and a short time later to the dead man and said

Shayan:If you wouldn't worry would I have the option to take your vehicle.

Then he went outside drive a vehicle

Raza:Where we are going

Yassen:We are going to one hotel have you bantered with the Mr Anderson neighbors

Raza:Do you know the day when Mr Anderson and his family kicked the container their stepson had done the bizarre thing he got back exposed

Yassen:what do you ponder this Shayan

Raza:I don't have even the remotest clue

Yassen:Stop there on that housing

Raza: OK

They went in the housing

Yassen:What happen here

Kid server: Someone in the initial segment of the day killed the youngster server

Yassen:Is that man come here in the initial segment of the day

Waiter:Yes he come here with a youngster

The police official went to his home

Official: Honey I am at home

Official went to his room and found his soul mate and young ladies passed on

Boss with cry:How did this nectar my daughter's

Shayan:Your servents and canine and moreover passed on

Commissioner:You mother sweetheart

Shayan shoot a fire in his leg

Commissioner:Who the condemnation is you

Shayan:I am the person who need to caught in seven days yet I am sorry I have kill you

Official: Hey tune in

Shayan hit a fire in his heart and subsequently open a refrigerator and take a sandwich and start eating it

Finally the phone rings it was Maryam call

Maryam:How are you Shayan

Shayan:I am satisfactory what's going on with you

Maryam: Nothing I am just going to have a supper with one of my friend

Shayan:But you said you will eat with me

Maryam:I know yet we can go someother day

Shayan:So where you are going and with whom you are going

Maryam:I am going housing right around 125 street and I am going with Yassen with uncommonly dear buddy

Shayan:Ok have a fair supper

Maryam: Thanks I ensure we will go someother day

Shayan kick the seat with shock

Raza: Where are you going

Yassen:I am going on a supper with Maryam

Raza:I said you that you will fall head over heels for her

Yassen:That is just a supper

Raza:Then take me with you on the off chance that it is just a supper

Yassen:Shut up you want to do one thing for me go to housing where the man and woman got killed in bathroom and show them the pic of Shayan and ask them is he is that man who is with Samra at that day

Raza:Ok have a fair date

Yassen:Shut up