mahnoor abbas

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Part 9

The police was remaining external a house with a weapons everybody is saying might you want to jump at the chance to come out or we should come in to capture you we are saying this last time might you want to come out the police wents towards the house and break the entryway there was a person with cosmetics all over and he was dead

Cop on mobile:He is passed on

Mahnoor Abbas is a 21 year old cosmetics craftsman she had an extraordinary interest in music she was the clincher of her school and school she had a grant she feel in adoration with a kid Hamza they engaged in sexual relations and mahnoor become pragnant and Hamza chose to leave mahnoor had an unnatural birth cycle her life got changed when she met Shayan the huntsman the one who killed 96 man in one month

Mahnoor have begun killing poeples same like Shayan in light of the fact that this thing is additionally giving him unwind from the proof mahnoor used to left on the crime location is the sketch of dead body and cosmetics on the dead body face the kid who was observed dead on the crime location is Hamza her ex sweetheart

Mahnoor is remaining on somebody burial place

Mahnoor:Hi Shayan look I have gotten some blossom definitely I have killed that individual to take a few roses from you now I get why you don't killed me that day this world won't ever get you yet for me you are legend I will totally date you and sex with you on the bed assuming you are alive today however you have botched the opportunity

It was freezing day Maryam took a cigarette from his pocket and begin smoking cigarette

Maryam:I need to go now I need to kill some poeples

There was a police meeting in a settle there are number of cop staying there and discussing what is going on of murders

Cop: Poeples fear that killer I think we need to make a severe move of that

Cop 2: what would we be able to do she is exceptionally smart

Cop 3: I think we need to send off a lockdown in the Chicago we will mindful poeples to remain at home perhaps this will quit killing

Cop 1: I don't think so this will assist us I with thinking we need to move toward best official somebody who is psycho like that young lady an official who will view as her

Cop 2:And who is that

Cop 1:Kabir Shabbir he is master in this sorts of cases

Cop 2:I figure we ought to go with yassen Malik he was one who observed Shayan I figure we should demand him to establish this young lady

Cop 3: Yassen malik is resigned he won't ever assist us I with figuring we ought to go with Kabir Shabbir really I was with Kabir in preparing he is a particularly smart person yet he is a playboy last year he got suspended in light of the fact that he was laying down with boss spouse

Police officer:But he is ideal

Police boss was staying there and standing by listening to everybody and said who let you know that Kabir lay down with my significant other and he is greatest butt sphincter I won't ever marked him for this case

Police officer:Sir we don't have different options

Boss: Okay I trust Kabir additionally got killed for this situation that young lady likewise killed him

Maryam was pondering the previous when she was in school and she met Hamza first time in the class that was an actual fascination for the two of them they had a sex in the restroom of the school soon they become gathering each other day by day and mahnoor used to work in craftsmanship exhibition where Hamza used to come to meet mahnoor it was a sexual relations Hamza is a child of Pakistani lawmaker and he was content with the sexual connection with mahnoor everything is going incredible since mahnoor observed that she is pragnant and she tracked down Hamza with another young lady

Mahnoor:I think we really want to talk

Hamza :Yes I likewise needed to chat with you really I am getting hitched

Mahnoor:I am pragnant with your child

Hamza:What the screw you are discussing

Mahnoor:Look we will get wed I will do all that you need me to do

Hamza:How would I be able to get hitched to you my dad is a government official in Pakistan I have a solid family foundation what is your

family foundation who is your dad and where is your dad where is your mom we met we had intercourse together and that is it proceed to have a fetus removal since I would rather not have this child

Mahnoor was crying and said kindly don't do this I love you

Hamza:Don't say this fucking words again dick sucker get lost now I would rather not see you now

On 15 July the main case was accounted for mahnoor have killed a cabbie who attempted to assault her since she was going in the vehicle and she was smashed so the cab driver attempted to assault her when hit the scissor in cabbie eye

Presently mahnoor is sitting in a café washroom and watching a news on his Mobile when she watched a news that the police is making a decent attempt to look through a news huntsman mahnoor Abbas mahnoor grinned and said this fucking butt sphincter will get me she streak the Mobile in latrine and she begin smoking cigarette she went outside the latrine and sit in an eatery and a server with long hair came and said mam what might you want to arrange

Mahnoor look to her said I need espresso mahnoor look to her shirt where her name was composed the server name is Ahmad

Ahmad grinned and alright mam might you want to take something with espresso

Mahnoor:No expresses gratitude toward I am good with espresso

Mahnoor feel an attractions towards to Ahmad

Ahmad:If you don't would I be able to say something


Ahmad:You have truly excellent eyes and lips

Mahnoor: many thanks you have a truly incredible hairs I love your hairs both look to one another and grin

Ahmad bluss and said I will take an espresso for you

Mahnoor: Okay

This time mahnoor is loosen up this is first she would rather not kill anybody she would rather not kill Ahmad she was peaceful she was looking to Ahmad with grin Ahmad took an espresso for mahnoor

Mahnoor:Thank you

Ahmad was going when mahnoor said there is just you and me in the eatery might you want to sit with me and give me some organization

Ahmad:Let me take an espresso for me too

There was cop who was remaining external the Kabir house and ringing at the entryway Kabir was not opening the entryway Kabir is tanked and laying down with a young lady

Kabir:Who the fuck is thumping at my entryway

Kabir furiously open the entryway

Kabir:Hi Brad it's you

Brad :Are you tanked would I be able to come in

Kabir:Yes why not kindly come in

Brad look to Kabir bed there was a naked young lady on the bed

Kabir:It's has been long time since we met

Brad :But you are not transformed you are again laying down with boss spouse

Kabir: Chief have send you to get me

Brad: Yes boss have send me here yet not to get you with her significant other we need you to find a criminal a hunstman a young lady

Kabir:I am suspended from most recent 3 years and you are the person who suspended me and for what reason do you need me to find a hunstman for you have various incredible official's

Brad:First of all I have suspended you since you are intoxicated working you screwed boss spouse in the central office and I want a greatest poop chute and you are the greatest butt sphincter so I really want you to establish that fucking hunstman

Kabir:What is my advantage in it what will I get in the event that I found the hunstman

Brad:what do you need

Kabir:I need my occupation back and I need decoration and some cash

Brad: you're truly bologna OK I acknowledge your arrangement in the event that you need these things you need to establish hunstman in any condition in 7 days

Kabir: Okay

Brad:We will give you a cop to have an eye on you and help you for the situation

Kabir:You know me I generally work alone I needn't bother with somebody

Brad:But you need to observe my guidelines now assuming you need a task award and cash you need to adhere to my guidelines

Kabir: Okay

Mahnoor and Ahmad was sitting and having some espresso

Mahnoor:How old you are

Ahmad:I am 22

Mahnoor: Good you are doing low maintenance work here

Ahmad:Yes I am doing a graduation in writing and you

Mahnoor:I am likewise an understudy I made sketch and I am master in cosmetics

Ahmad:What do you accomplish for living

Mahnoor grinned And said I killed poeples

Ahmad chuckled and said this is actually a steady employment.

Mahnoor:Do you have any gf

Ahmad:No I am single

Mahnoor grinned

The proprietor of the café looked to Ahmad and yelled I not payed you to chatting with the client check different clients take their request

Ahmad:We are simply talking

Proprietor: mother lover proceed to take their request

Ahmad looked to mahnoor and afterward go

Mahnoor looked to the proprietor face and afterward she looked to Ahmad if it's not too much trouble, take a bill Ahmad went towards to mahnoor and said you don't have to cover a bill I love the time we hang out

Mahnoor looked to Ahmad eyes and said you are adorable do you have frightened of kicked the bucket

Ahmad:No one day we as a whole going to pass on so for what reason to get frightened of kicked the bucket perhaps I bite the dust tomorrow and perhaps one hour from now so I need to partake in this second

Mahnoor grinned and said perhaps one day I will date you

Ahmad:Can I get your number

Mahnoor:I don't have a Mobile dont stress we will meet once more

Mahnoor was going when Ahmad wave him from back.

Mahnoor was strolling in the street when she watch a house room on lease she thump at the entryway a ladies of 60 years open the entryway

Women:Hi who are you

Mahnoor:I need a room on lease

Ladies: Come in assuming that you can pay 300 dollar each month for the room

Mahnoor:Can I see the room

Women:First show me the cash

Mahnoor put the hand in her sack and abruptly hit the scissor in elderly people ladies neck

Mahnoor:Now shut your fucking mouth close

For watched the full house and said I love the house I will reside here and she open the sack and begin making the sketch of elderly people ladies dead body and afterward she set some make up cosmetics on elderly people ladies face

Kabir was in police base camp so Brad and Chief

Brad :So you are prepared

Kabir:Yes I am prepared

The boss was looking irately to Kabir face and said I have some work I need to go at this point

Mahnoor was perched on a love seat with cigarette in her grasp and eating chips when she hear a ring a bell on the entryway she took the scissor and open the entryway and it was Ahmad on entryway

Mahnoor:Hi why are you here

Ahmad:I live on a lease here

Mahnoor:So now we both need to establish a house for us

Ahmad: Why

Mahnoor: Because the old woman Want to sell this house I additionally visited for a room however the old woman said they are selling this house presently do you know a few spots

Ahmad:Yes I know mrs Julie is still inside

The old woman body is in kitchen

Mahnoor:No I don't have the foggiest idea where she is

Ahmad: Let me take my garments so we will head off to some place for room


Brad :Kabir this is Ali Akram from Pakistan the kid Hamza who got killed by hunstman her dad is a government official in Pakistan so they have send Ali Akram to establish a hunstman

Kabir looked to Ali Akram face and said OK

Brad:And you will refresh me about the hunstman and I need Hunstman in 7


Kabir: OK

Presently Brad leaves

Kabir to Ali :Come with me

Ali :Where are we going

Kabir:We are heading off to some place

Ali:But where

Kabir:don't pose inquiries do anything I say do you have any idea how to drive vehicle

Ali :yes

Kabir:So drive we need to go at cheif I need to converse with cheif

Ali: alright

Kabir: Drive quicker the hunstman will kill Chief

Ali looked to Kabir face and afterward drive the vehicle fastly

The gatekeepers on boss house :Chief isn't at home

Ali:We need to go inside the house it is crisis

The gatekeepers looked to one another and afterward open the entryway

Kabir stay here and check nobody come inside the house I will take care inside the house

Ali : OK

Kabir went in the central house and boss was sitting tight for her in two-piece in couch the two of them grinned and afterward kissed one another and afterward they begin fucking one another

After the 1 hours Kabir return and said Everything is taken care of now I have alert the security here

Ali :Are you certain

Kabir :I am certain

Ahmad and mahnoor was strolling out and about

Mahnoor:From where you are

Ahmad:Lahore Pakistan

Mahnoor: Have you became hopelessly enamored

Ahmad:No and you

Mahnoor:Yeah I have one ex

Ahmad:the kid was mother lover he lost the most wonderful young lady on the planet

Mahnoor:How do you think I am the most wonderful young lady on the planet

Ahmad:you have an incredible eyes and lips perhaps I will fail to remember you yet I will fail to remember your eyes

Mahnoor looked to Ahmad face with adoration

Ahmad:There is that house where we will get the room

Ahmad thumped at the entryway


Ahmad: Actually we are searching for a room

Women:we have just one room

Women:Are you fellow are couples since we have just one room

Mahnoor take the Ahmad hand in her grasp and said OK we are couples

Ahmad looked to mahnoor face

Ladies grin and said and come in

She saw them the room now mahnoor and Ahmad is in room

Ahmad: Mahnoor

Mahnoor:Don't utter a word I will kill you have just 10 seconds kiss me or I will kill you

Ahmad looked to mahnoor face and went towards him and kissed mahnoor the two of them kissing each other when mahnoor places her hand in Ahmad confined and said I will kill you assuming you sell out me and kissed mahnoor and said I won't ever deceive you and in the future beginning kissing Ahmad take off the mahnoor garments mahnoor tumbled down and give a penis massage to Ahmad and afterward push Ahmad on bed and afterward the two of them begin fucking each other mahnoor is such a lot of loosened up that she don't need Ahmad to stop and she is loose from pressure since she is in

love at the present time

It was 2:00 pm in the night when mahnoor looked to Ahmad and Ahmad was resting she kissed Ahmad temple and went to washroom and she was remembering to kill somebody however presently she would rather not kill somebody since right now she is loose from pressure and took a scissor and attempted to go down and kill ladies and his children yet when she wents ground floor she saw the ladies with her significant other and they are glad with their children she chose to leave everything and starts another existence with Ahmad and she chose to tell everything to Ahmad and she returned higher up and lays down with Ahmad

Kabir and Ali went to a workmanship exhibition where mahnoor used to work and inquiring as to whether they can educate anything regarding mahnoor and afterward they went to a house where mahnoor used to reside and they inquire as to whether they enlighten anything concerning Mahnoor and they went to class where mahnoor used to review from that point they get to be familiar with Mahnoor and Hamza

Kabir and Ali are in the vehicle when Kabir said I am contemplating the something

Ali :What

Kabir :The case is addressed

Ali:What we will do

Kabir:We will educate news regarding Mahnoor and Hamza and in the event that no body knows about the mahnoor perhaps she has digused himself since she is master in cosmetics we will give media 3 to 4 appearances of mahnoor with cosmetics and we will inform them concerning Mahnoor and Hamza

Ali :And what will occur from this

Kabir :The hunstman will come to us

Ali:I don't comprehend

Kabir:you won't ever comprehend drive the vehicle

There was an information on television the ones who have given a space to mahnoor and Ahmad have watched the news they have showed the 3 to 4 pics of mahnoor with cosmetics she perceived mahnoor she considers police and tell that the hunstman is in their home

Whenever she thinks back mahnoor is remaining behind her

The ladies: Please don't kill me

Mahnoor:What the fuck

The ladies begin crying mahnoor wents back to the room and Ahmad was resting

Mahnoor: Ahmad

Ahmad open her eyes and kissed mahnoor and grin

Mahnoor:Do you trust me


Mahnoor:I am the hunstman the young lady who killed 28 poeples yet I love you and I will leave this all trust me I will return one day I need to go at this point

Mahnoor kissed Ahmad firmly and afterward leave the room in 15 mints police arrive at the house they captured Ahmad the ladies and their children and everybody is protected in the house and nobody realizes where is mahnoor

Police question Ahmad yet Ahmad don't know anything about the mahnoor that where is he

Whenever Kabir said to Brad we don't have to scrutinize this kid I realize he don't know anything about the hunstman

Brad:Who you can say that we don't know anything about the hunstman

Kabir:Look you have said before I am greatest butt sphincter and I know liable and how isn't and accept me this kid doesn't know anything about the hunstman he is infatuated with her

Brad returned to cheif and they leaves Ahmad

Ali to Kabir:why you have leave that kid Ahmad

Kabir: Because he is honest

Ali:He isn't honest he was with hunstman

Kabir:You don't have to let me know how is honest or who isn't

Ali:Do you realize Hamza father Mr waheed have sent me here I am best official in Pakistan you will likewise get cash in the event that you will found hunstman in any case proceed to screw yourself

Kabir snickered and punched and firmly on her home and afterward beat her seriously you think you are the best I am your dad in this everybody came and stop Kabir

One of the cop let that Kabir know there is a call for you

Kabir furiously on telephone I said that I will come this evening through the window after the cheif rest

Mahnoor on phone:So the gossip is valid that you have an illicit relationship with cheif spouse

Kabir snickered and checked out the number so there is a hunstman

Mahnoor:Yeah old attractive man

Kabir:You realize I love your when I will get you I will take your signature

Mahnoor:and I guarantee I will give you my signature when I will completed this all really I need to converse with you


Mahnoor:I won't kill any longer I will end this everything you can never get me so end this case leave the case since there is no more hunstman in the general public

Kabir:in long term of my administration I have never leave the case inexplicable

Mahnoor:So this will be your case which won't remain inexplicable in light of the fact that you will ever get me and don't attempt to trease this number since this is pco number and the proprietor of the pco is visually impaired and hard of hearing

Mahnoor cut the call

It was been 3 days there is no updates of any homicide in Chicago city and nobody have seen hunstman the media was showing the news every day the individual who will refresh about the hunstman will get 5 million dollars police have an eye on Ahmad

Mahnoor is sitting in a boss and recounting the narrative of this all to her significant other and the cheif was passed on

Mahnoor:Now you explain to me why you have killed your significant other to wed Kabir you can separate from him

Boss spouse Jacqueline:I can't take separate since, supposing that I will take separate from I will not get anything from her property now I have this property and presently I will wed Kabir and I will say that the hunstman have killed my significant other and scissor and she hits a scissor in my leg and I took a firearm and fire her and she tumbled down the rooftop and her face got annihilated

Furthermore they looked to the house keeper who was passed on

Mahnoor:I need to go now the police is coming here

Jacqueline: Okay and a debt of gratitude is in order for aiding me

Mahnoor:It's alright and take this give this to Kabir on your wedding night don't open this

Jacqueline:I guarantee I won't open this

Mahnoor grinned and afterward she leaves

Mahnoor wents to a Shayan burial chamber

Mahnoor:Hi Shayan today is the last opportunity I came here in light of the fact that I won't come here again I observed unwinding in adoration I am enamored with somebody I have end this all she leaves the scissor on Shayan burial place

The police is at cheif house they feel that the servant is mahnoor and they call an emergency vehicle and sent Jacqueline to a clinic Kabir looked to dead body and said I am your dad in this I said you before I have never leaves a case inexplicable

Ahmad was shutting the bistro when she saw mahnoor is remaining out and about and watching him and Ahmad went to him and embrace him

Ahmad: mahnoor I know one day you will return

Mahnoor:who would I be able to leave you

Mahnoor show him the tickets and new visa Mahnoor: Would you like to go to Venice

Ahmad grinned and said:Yes I will go with you

Kabir and Jacqueline are hitched on the principal night Jaqueline hold him the paper

Kabir:What is this

Jacqueline:I don't know one of your companion give me this

Kabir open the paper there was a signature of mahnoor Abbas and like I said you won't ever get me was composed on it Kabir and giggle and said we should engage in sexual relations to Jaqueline

Ahmad and mahnoor are hitched and they have three excellent children and they are living in Venice Italy