Meeting him; part :2

It took her some time to adjust to the light in the room. She tried to open her eyes little by little. When she opened her eyes. She was shocked to see a shirtless figure with perfect abs. The body was leaning on her. He was so close to her that if he came closer to her, her lips could touch his chest. She wanted to adore more but, A sudden force pulled her chin upwards. Now she saw a more praiseworthy character. A perfect jawline, messy blonde hairs, smirking ash-grey eyes, shape nose and beautiful lips. If not for the situation, she might just kiss him without thinking for a second. As the buyer, he was sooo handsome, no extremely handsome someone sees him, she will fall for him at the first sight, but this was not the time to drool for someone like him.

She came to her senses. She began to speak but he stopped her to speak, with his figure touching her lips gently and said, "Now after seeing me, you must be regretting your decision. You should be happy to get what all the other girls are dying for'', he said with sarcasm. "Sorry!! It's nothing to me. I already have someone 10 times more handsome than you", she said firmly, "and I am not like other girls, who are willing to die just to see you. I am not as lustful or impatient as you are. If you are done, can you open my hand and pls legs too? I want to show you something more interesting than your good looks and sorry for misjudging your age mister you seem younger than me. Can I know your age ??".

''You are in no position to know my age or whereabouts. Who the hell do you think you are?", he said annoyed. Her comment of having a more handsome man irritated him.

"I know, I am nothing in front of the mister, but still", she paused to think, "okay, let me put it more clearly to you, so you are rich right! then maybe you have great threats right, so I can be your bodyguard. Let me spar with any of your bodyguards or all of them to prove you". He smirked and said, "you want to spar, then spar with me to prove how capable you are? but first, you need to dress up. You can't spar without clothes and not here".Then suddenly a realisation comes to her, how can she forget that she was naked. She immediately twisted and turned to hide inside the bed covers, but he pulled her up, revealing more of her skin.

He came close to her, he said chuckling, "Don't worry, you don't have to hide, I have already seen enough". After the end of his sentence. She started to burn with anger and embarrassment. She tried to hide her embarrassment by saying something, but he stopped her from doing so. Then he gets up from the bed and walks out of the room, smashing the door behind.


A furious man steps down the stairs, angrily thinking about the girl he just met. He got angrier thinking about her, "What the f**k !! She thinks about herself. She thought she was worthy to be with me as my bodyguard. I will show her that she is just a weakling in front of me, nothing more but still, she is more different from the other girls, which beg me to have mercy on them or act innocent & pure to attract me. 'Interesting!" thinking about her, he slammed open the hall door and walked speedily yelling loudly for the butler called 'J'. "J, J where are you and bring Ms Molly with you".

After the completion of the sentence, two shadows dash into the hall. Both of them looked worried for their master. One figure was tall and full of muscles. He had white hair both on his head and face. Even for an aged man like him, he still can be called a hot freak. There was nothing, butler-like personality in him. He looks more like an retarded boxer or an athlete. On the other hand, Ms Molly was like a mother to him, always worried about her master. She was short and pumped with grey and brown hairs, a flat nose and small puppy eyes with a sweet and sober voice, but still feels absurd. The butler started to talk, "What happened master is someone troubling you. Say it once I will finish the problem in a second just tell me". Then a worried voice squeaked in the room. It was Ms Molly, "Who has the guts to make my master angry? '' she said angrily, "How dare they? I will curse them, I will make sure, they will not get any place in hell too".

He opened his mouth, he said calming, his voice, "You know, my father blackmailed me to go to a black auction yesterday night and to make him angry. I bought a bed warmer at a high price and told you to get rid of her'', his anger was rising, "Then, what is she doing in my room? How does she get here? Please try to explain to me". Both Molly and J began to tremble. Then getting his courage J spouted out, "master, it waasss your fATHER's ORDER. He knows about it all, so he sent some men last night and dropped her into your room without concerning you. I am sorry. You have already slept fast, last night so, I didn't dare to wake you up" with rages in his eyes. He began to say, "I will talk to you later about that girl", cutting his master's words. J began to say, ''Yes, I will get rid of her immediately". J started to sprint in the direction of the room.

An ordering voice stopped him short, "Stop! You don't have to do this. Prepare your boxing arena. I will spar with the girl". J was confused listening to his words. Changing his voice to a sweeter one, he spoke to Ms Molly, "Can you prepare some robes for her please". Ms Molly was dazed out by listening to her master order, still, she shakes her head to nod... Ms Molly left the hall still confused ... J gathers some sight and speaks out, "Master how can the frail girl have sparred with you? She doesn't stand a chance ".

"I also know that but seeing her confidence to win the spar and this is what she offers me in exchange of her chastity", he told the butler. J was shocked listening to him. How can a fragile girl fight my master? He was specially trained by J in street fighting and martial arts. "What bodyguard!", J squeaked, "I don't understand is she stupid or something ?". He said in a steady voice, "Don't worry! even if she loses, I have a plan for her" J wants to speak out his curiosity for his plan but, it will be rude to ask, even if he was his teacher once upon a time but now he is his master… and servants has no right to know if their master doesn't want them to.