let's get started

She wakes up early in the morning. It was still dawn. She went to the bathroom to brush and take a shower, after the shower, she digs into her luggage to get ready, she chooses to wear a plain white t-shirt and comfy pants. It was still too early to wake everybody, so she decided to make breakfast for herself. She left the room to go into the kitchen.

On the way to the kitchen:

She found Ms Molly on the way to the kitchen. She was surprised to see Ms Molly, then she thought, "of course, to make so much breakfast for everyone she has to get early", it was 5 o'clock, on the wall clock. She went towards ms. Molly greeted her. In her mind she was upset, she wanted to make breakfast for herself. She has not eaten Indian food for days and wanted to cook some but knows ms. Molly will not allow her to cook as she is the guest of the mansion.
With a smile on her face, she said brightly to ms molly "good morning, ms Molly",
Ms Molly was surprised to see her up so early. ms. Molly smiled back and said, "good morning, dear, why are you not sleeping at this hour, breakfast will be ready at six, you can sleep some more until then."
She replied with a smile not that bright," mmm ms Molly, I don't want to get punished again by J for my laziness and I already took a shower so, my sleepy ness is gone"

"Ohh okay, but dear it is still too early for you, next time get up at six so that you can complete your beauty sleep," said Ms Molly in a worried tone as she knows how important it is to sleep 8 hours a day.
"Okay, Ms molly I will try my best," she said feeling down
"Good, now what you want to eat for the breakfast, dear",
"Ms molly can I cook, " she said hesitantly
"What you wanted to cook, of course, not you are precious guest how can I let you cook, just let me what u want for breakfast", Ms molly said in anger,
For a Movement of the time, she wants to say that she wants to eat Indian food but she has no courage to say that to Ms Molly or doesn't want to disagree. She hopelessly nodded her head and said,'' whatever you may like Ms molly, I am not a choosy person
"Okay then," Ms Molly said cheerfully, going towards the kitchen. She followed Ms Molly in disappointment.

In the kitchen she sat on the table, she asked ms.Molly, if she can help but, ms. molly dined her once again so, she sat on the dining table which was in the room attached to the kitchen it can be exclaimed as a dining hall may be made that because huge parties must be thrown there, it has two entrance one from the corridor and the second one is through the kitchen so, she sat on the table waiting for her breakfast to arrive she thought in the mind," please, Ms Molly makes something simple for the breakfast" she was already annoyed by Ms Molly for making her every meal like a feast which is endless...
After 5 minutes later J the butler enters the kitchen to greet Ms Molly and have his breakfast which was simple boiled eggs and two glasses of milk. J greeted Ms Molly and took his breakfast from the table kept near the kitchen slab. J looked at Ms Molly she was busy in making some fancy stuff like pancakes and types of juices and with something involved mixing, grinding, chopping, baking and grilling. J thought in this mind," is someone coming for a feast or What?",

He looked Ms Molly for, about two minutes more but, she was too busy to see J so, J finally asked her, "Molly for whom you are making these all kind of stuff"
"Mmm J dear did you say something?" Ms Molly replied, still immersed in her business. This time J repeated the exact words, Ms Molly didn't give any response to it. J got annoyed so he felt for the dining hall with breakfast on a tray and without intruding further in Ms. molly business

J walked into the dining room and once again there was an atmosphere of surprise in the air but this time it was from J. he looked at the girl sitting at the first chair of the table and was observing a painting hung in the center of the wall opposite to the kitchen door.it was a beautiful painting of a landscape somewhere in the mountains, where show fall is going on and a small housing a visible light from afar, the picture is drawn in night them. It reminded her of Christmas. The painting was huge enough to cover half of the wall.
She did not notice that J was standing behind her. He observer her for a moment or two, to figure what was going in her mind
At the same time, she was thinking," is this painting 'a memorial', it doesn't seem, fancy and there is nothing special about it, a landscape, snowfall and a lovely warm house with a light in the dark. what does this painting wanna exactly describes" she said thoughtfully in her mind.
"It is a painting made by our Jr. master to describe the warmth, he found when he was alone trapped in the coldness"
She turned back to find the source of the voice and found J behind her standing with a tray in his hand. "Good morning, master J," she said with a smile, she wanted to hear her praise from J as she had gotten up so early.
In reply, J nodded his head and sat at the last middle chair facing her. She got a little disappointed but, it's okay she has to wait for more to hear praises from her master.
"Ohh is it true that this painting is made by that perv...I mean your Jr. master" she said, continuing the topic. J only nodded in reply and started to eat his breakfast, removing shells of the eggs and eating one after another. She understood that this time J was a little angry with something so, stopped asking any more questions.

noom! noom! The sound of only eating was roaring in the whole room and nothing more and at last J completed his last gulp of milk and he was done!
"So, let's start your first day of training because you ruined your first day," J said with a burp," excuse me" J stands up, then Ms Molly enters with a whole bunch of things to eat in a trolley. There are pancakes, crepes and much more English breakfast with eggs, bacon, and bread.
J looked more annoyed as if he would burst with anger...