Yearly Slave Auction

"Hahaha, brother Luo, we need to pick up our pace, the annual slave auction is scheduled for tomorrow, and even if we get a single jade out of this trash, it would still count as a merit for the dynasty, also this time the one to gain the highest merit would be this big brother Luo," "Huh, shorty Tian and old foggy Luo do you think only you two are competing for the annual trade auction like the last time, for this year slave auction I have been preparing for the past two years and had finally got my hand onto this piece of spirit root testing orb after spending all my savings for the past years," there was a cold smirk on the face of the baby faced Marquis Nan, as he was fondling a piece of small transparent orb in his hand dearly, like his own wife.

These three people were Marquis Lan, Tian, and Nan, respectively, who were heading towards the Ding Coastal city and having control and jurisdiction over the three neighboring major cities, which were named after them. The three of them were busy in their argument when a needle-piercing gaze of the small boy Xian Yiwang from far away was clearly observing their activities without being noticed by them. Finally, founding the reason for the ongoing commotion, he tried to comfort the crying little girl beside him"Little Sister Xiner should not worry about the ongoing commotion this havoc has been created because of the rapid movement by the spirit beast used by martial lords a few thousand kilometers away from the city".

Upon hearing the vivid explanation given by a child, some nearby standing guards started laughing loudly, " children nowadays really have vivid imaginations, do you think you are some martial god with divine sense to see a thousand kilometers away while sitting here". The crying little girl finally started to calm down as she accepted the explanation from the black baldy as the real truth, " bad uncle, I completely believe in big brother Yiwang so, don't try to fool me with your nonsense, big brother will never lie to me" the little girl showed some temper after seeing the guards laughing at Xian Yiwang.

Even the darkest of the cold night started to fade and a new morning sun began to knock at a leisure pace as if taking a walk over its own courtyard, clamor and hub-hub started to develop over the streets because of the movement of the huge crowd with their monster beasts carrying freight, goods, and supplies were seen everywhere within the city. Today was the day which everyone was waiting patiently for the past year, the ding coastal city which has always standing lonely on the southern coast of the great ocean was decorated like a bride for the annual slave auction. " Mother, I would like to purchase a slave bodyguard for my fifteenth birthday " joy was written all over the faces of the people in the crowd and everyone was eyeing the slaves with greed in their eyes.

Slaves were the only ones having deep fear and panic written all over their face because from today these slaves would not even have their own fate in their hands and their upcoming life would be completely spent to fulfill the needs of their master either by performing heinous crime, performing sex, used as a death soldier, or being used for sacrificial rituals performed by the evil cultivators.

"brother Yiwang, Xiner will never get separated from you from now, Xiner will always follow brother Yiwang from this day", hearing the discussion about the various atrocities performed on the slaves, the little girl started to feel apprehension and fear and started to budge slowly towards Xian Yiwang for safety. "Little sister don't need to worry this handsome big brother will also go along with you from today and protect little sister by putting my life on the line" Seeing the little girl Xiner forming a group with the black baldy, little fatty kong started to feel unease by being left alone and started to come closer to the little girl.

"let's move these beast carts quickly, the time for registration of the slave auction has already started also today is the day when we will get the payout for all the hard work which we had been performing over the past year by capturing these slaves from the various nearby Islands of the southern sea" the chief of the gang had a smile all over his face and was rubbing his hands in excitement. The gang along with the beast cart started to move rapidly on the path which was leading towards the center of the city where a large castle was situated, with heavy security this was the place of main focus and where today's slave auction was going to be held, this was the castle of the city master of the ding city a powerful late Qi condensation stage martial artist.

Within the outskirts of the ding city at the giant entrance gate, all the soldiers along with the powerful city master of the late Qi condensation stage were kneeling on the ground before the three humongous spirit beasts and respective marquises sitting over them with complete admiration and respect being dedicated towards the three beings as if the gods have arrived." Stand up, everyone today we three great lords have come only to observe and participate in the annual slave auction, now quickly arrange us with carriage towards the auction venue. "move aside, move aside everyone, Great lords this way, this servant has already prepared of everything even before the graceful arrival of the three marquises" the master of the ding city started to behave extremely politely and humbly with the reverence like a servant towards the three great lords.

As the three great lords boarded the beast carriage specially prepared for them, all the soldiers started to form a protective circle around them with the city master taking the lead, as the force started to march towards the castle,'' brother Tian and brother Nan, these fools think that we need their protection, If not for the slave auctions which is organized directly under the order and jurisdiction of the great Qin dynasty, I would have directly barged towards the auction venue with my spirit beast and taken the slaves without spending a penny", marquis Luo was burning from anger because of the overprotective behavior showed by mere mortals towards them.

There was a long queue of the beast carts with slaves standing for their turns outside the registration area of the slave venue. Seeing the uncountable innocent mortals from newborn to elderly being treated as a piece of an object for sale to be used by the cultivators, rage started to build in the small powerless body of Xian Yiwang as he seemed like a hungry wolf looking for a bite.

"These humans are also not any good, they are the same as the animals I have been killing on the islands before, Its better to completely eradicate this crazy human race with my own hands", with darkness and bone-chilling coldness radiating out the black baldy body the murderous intent started to radiate from his eyes as his pitch-black pupil started to burn with a little dark flame, and his body started to tremble with anger like some hungry beast starving for food." Big brother Yiwang , don't worry too much this little sister Xiner will always be there to protect you ", misunderstanding the change around the atmosphere of Xian Yiwang and thinking his trembling body as fear and nervousness, the little girl tried to assure him by pounding her small little chest with confidence.

Seeing the care and trust given by the small little girl who was crying all around due to being home-sick just a while before, the murderous aura radiating from the body of Xian Yiwang started to subsidize.

Move quickly and line up in the queue after entering the venue gate, the guards under the city master started to drag the slaves after registering them and paying the various gangs and organizations working in this year's slave trade. A permanent slave mark with a number in it was placed on each of there head which would be the final proof of their identities as a slave from now on. From today these people will not have any name for them but will be replaced with these numbers unless or until they can earn enough merit for the dynasty to free themself, Which was near to impossible.

The large gate of the guarded castle like fortress started to open up, while all the slaves lining outside the castle started to move towards the main auction venue in the castle under the guidance of the city guards. Being dragged as a hoard, the children started to cry and get closer to each other as they moved forward towards the auction venue.

A large stage was constructed in front of an open auditorium filled to the brim with the crowd, who had either come to purchase the slaves or enjoy themselves. A small luxurious suite was specially been prepared for the three Marquises with the best viewing angle in the front of the stage."brother nan, looks like you would be getting some tough competition seeing this large crowd", marquis Luo tried to anger the marquis Nan after finding of about his preparation for the slave auction." You, old foggy Luo do you think these mere peasent can compare to this foundation building master, I have been preparing for the past two years and had collected enough jades for this time but regretfully this auction would really be a waste for the two of you", the three old marquises started to argue and point towards each other as the heat of completion started to increase between them.

The city master finally arrived on the stage, and the clamor created by the audience started to fade as complete silence took over the place in the earlier hub-hub hall. " Let's, this year's most awaited Yearly slave auction began", under the supervision of the city master the Yearly slave auction of the ding coastal city started to begin...