Spiritual Root Testing

"Big brother, big brother, please open your eye's don't leave little sister Xiner alone", the little girl was weeping her eye's out while trying to awaken the unconscious Xian Yiwang by stirring his body vigorously.

Opening his eyes forcibly as if waking from a deep slumber by hearing someone calling him subconsciously a warm and refreshed feeling started to appear over his body and his dark score and scrape skin which was filled by many unattended wounds and stitches were completely gone and the hard skin had become soft like that of a lady, the most visible change was the small black hair which has for the first time grown in his bald head since he had been born.

The moment he opened his eyes the first thing to enter his field of view was the little sobbing face of the little girl with tears and snort completely covering her small cute face sitting in a corner with her hands and legs tied by iron shackles trying to awake him, after a while of regaining his focus he tried to observe his surrounding and was dumbfounded to find himself tied with iron shackles in an iron cage which packed to the brim with around hundreds of small children being moved by the humongous beast carriage.

As, if all of his senses have taken a great leap he was already able to view his surrounding with in-depth clarity such that even the pieces of flying silt in the air were clearly differentiable, the change was not limited only to his eyes but also his other sensory organs like nose and ears had also become super active.

Suddenly, thinking about the unknown incident related to the small mysterious bone his heart calm heart started trembling with fright and horror, trying hard to gather his newfound super senses towards his left chest where the small bone was originally present he was barely able to look inside his body vaguely, the original small mysterious had completely taken a makeover and was now looking like a small egg with half black and other half black painted and engraved with some mysterious and unknown pattern over it, as if sensing someone trying to probe itself the mysterious small bead started to create a small distortion in the space and became invisible, not finding the small mysterious bone Xian Yiwang became nervous and started to rapidly probe his body again and again.

After searching for the invisible mysterious bone in vain for a while, he started to clear his thoughts again and started to analyze his surrounding, only to found the beast cart secretly moving at a rapid pace in the wilderness under the protection of five unknown men in horses who were covering their faces with masks.

" Brother Yan, I don't know which fool would spend million's of jade to recruit us five powerful Qi condensation experts only to transport these small weak slave children who don't even have enough strength to stand properly without being fed for the past two days", one of the martial artists with the sixth stage of Qi condensation tried to probe about their unknown employer from their boss brother Yan who was the most powerful martial artist among the five, with the cultivation of the last stage of Qi condensation realm.

"huh, thirdy do you think a person who could spend million's on only transporting these slave children from the small Ding city to the far Lingua merchant city secretly would ever tell his real identity to us and also, this secret employer of ours's had specifically ordered us to take only the route through this wilderness in secrecy and reach the destination within five days without taking any break in between the journey and you should also remember that we are only a group of small mercenaries with only five us, we should better focus about performing the required task and take the money after it's completion", Brother Yan tried to soothe down the rising curiosity of the group member.

On the evening of the fourth day the Beast cart was rapidly moving towards their destination by passing through few sloppy hills, the tied carriage with the slave children was shaking vigorously due to terrain unevenness, thinking about something Xian Yiwang started to ask the little girl Xiner who was tightly holding the bars of the cage with her small hands in order to avoid the disarray created by the rapidly moving carriage moving in the sloppy hills, "Little girl Xiner can you tell me about the proceeding that had taken place after I have become unconscious during the Auction at the Ding city", trying to know more about the current situation, where hundreds of children were been transported in secrecy Xian Yiwang started to analyze from the beginning of the incident.

"Big Brother Yiwang during the time when you had fallen lifelessly on the ground and became unconscious, this little sister was on the stage and was being auctioned and was finally brought by an old guy in Nobel robes, while they were delivering me towards the old man I was completing perplexed not knowing what was happening and whether I would ever see the big brother again in this life, while these thoughts were storming in my brain I saw the big brother who was completely fine a while ago staring was quavering in some kind of pain and then suddenly fell down. Seeing the big brother fall on the ground, the guards supervising the slaves at the auction started to rush toward you and tried to wake you up only to declare you dead later", the little girl's eyes again started to turn red while telling him the detail.

" Big brother, I don't know why but hearing about your death this little sister felt like her world has come to an end and my mind and body completely froze, while I was trying to rush down the stage, the old man who had just brought me started to move towards your body and after analyzing your body for a while his eyes started to glow in excitement and he started to apply some magic on your left chest as the glow of the magic started to radiate from his old hands, but suddenly your eyes opened up and closed in an instant without any color on them, and as if meeting your gazes for the split-second blood started to flow out of the eyes of the old man eyes and he became completely blind only to be taken by the support of his two other companions who was also in the Nobel robes, Big brother can you tell me more about those eyes yours, I can still clearly remember that gaze as if it does not even belong to a living being, those eyes looked like the eyes of the dead and while our gaze met I felt like we are one and the same, as if you are me and I am you", the little girl started to explain him about the incident while being lost in her own thoughts.

"wait, big brother, what was that glowing small spherical ball inside of your left chest, when you had just opened your eye for the instant after being unconscious our gazes met and I felt as if something was calling from inside the ball as if I had something to do with the thing inside that ball" as if recalling something the little girl started to enquire about the mysterious small bone which was baffling her from the day she had seen it.

Hearing the little girl mention the small mysterious bone, his head started to buzz and a sharp pain started to arise from his left chest and the mysterious bone which had gone invisible started to appear again and the part of the bone which was brighter started to shine even more dazzlingly, suddenly the pain started to become unbearable and the brighter half of the bone started to enlarge itself while the darker one remains the same, forming the shape like that of an irregular wine gourd. the brighter part of the bone kept pulsating as if trying to get out, finally not able to bear the growing pain Xian Yiwaang again fell unconscious.

A bright warm sun was casting its Chambre shadow throughout the streets of the Lingua merchant city, a large beast carriage having its cart coated completely by a blanket in such a way that not even rays illuminated by the sun were able to enter the cast, Five bulky martial artists with mask were closely following the beast carriage without being highlighted as the carriage was moving through the busy street of the merchant city towards the western front of the city which was mostly unhabitable with only a few old courtyard present.

At the most remote corner of the western front of the city, an old courtyard that looked vacant from the outside was bustling with noise from inside, the three Marquises along with a group of guards were anxiously waiting for the arrival of the beast cart while sitting at their edges from nervousness, "Brother Luo, do you think your plan of hiring a small mercenary group for transporting the slave children in secrecy will be successful"Marquis Tian asked the marquis Luo who had organized the plan and its complete proceeding with worry written all over his face."Don't worry about the hired mercenary group, even though they are a small group but they work under the Wuzian Pavillion, Which has a large group of professional mercenaries and assassins working under them, all of these groups are thoroughly trained towards their work by the Wuzian Pavillion itself "Marquis Luo tried to assure with confidence.

"Open the door, we are the mercenaries been hired from the Wuzian pavilion, you can check your supply and provide with the payment so that our mission can be completed", Brother Yan, the boss of the mercenary group announced his arrival from the outside. Hearing about the arrival of the cart all three of the marquis quickly disguished their look and started to rush towards the entrance with excitement. "Quickly, check the supply discretely while we are discussing the payment", Marquis Tian asked Marquis Luo to check for the children in secrecy while they were moving towards the arrived mercenaries.

"Everything is ok so let's make the payment quickly and move the cart inside" after confirming the soundness of the supply marquis Luo told the other two to complete the payment and ordered the guard to quickly move the cart inside. Clearing the payment all three marquises rushed inside at the speed of air. " Move quickly and wake all the children inside the cart and form a queue in front of the testing table", Marquis Nan ordered the guards as he placed the spiritual root testing stone on the table, while all three of them started to move back in order to avoid any disruption created during the testing due to the spiritual energy present inside their body.

"Let's begin the testing of the Spiritual roots .....