Liu Yaojing

The million-year-old, three-eyed spirit monarch after observing the rapid changes happening around him, while deciding to increase his pace towards the Ancient ruins and look for some answers as soon as possible. While he was rapidly flying towards the Ancient Sacred ruins, his divine sense came into contact with another person flying a few miles away from him, who was wrapped in a black cloak from head to toe leaving only his eyes open and moving in the same path with opposite direction towards the resurrecting old mysterious tower at the middle of the great ocean.

Just as the divine sense of the three-eyed spirit monarch came into contact with the other old man flying towards his direction at a similar pace when his surrounding started to turn darker and faint spooky dry sounds like the steps of passing ghost entered his ears from behind, a feeling like the still dark water of the ocean at night was trying to pull his feet and trying to suck him into its depth started to arouse, making him nervous. Suddenly, the ocean water cleared and the wind was gone, with the darkness above and darkness below, he felt like a lone wolf standing on his own, alone in this empty vast world without any place to go.

Shaking his drifting thoughts, while trying to awaken himself, he started to circulate the spiritual Qi in his body, only to realize later that he had gone through some kind of powerful illusion unknowingly for a few seconds. Thinking that with his powerful soul and divine sense still present, making him lost in a dream world can only be done by something having many times more powerful soul energy than him, which was nearly impossible in this land, making him alarmed while giving goosebumps throughout his old body.

As he cleared his floating thoughts, he remembered having to encounter a powerful divine sense from a person draped in a black cloak just a while ago, who was flying towards his direction from a few miles away making him intrigued about the identity of such an unknown powerful fellow that can put a challenge for him in these testing times. Moving quickly towards the spot where he had encountered the man's divine sense, the three-eyed spirit monarch was stunned to find no one present there even after scrutinizing the nearby area, as if the person he had detected earlier has vanished in the thin air within the seconds of the time taken by him to come here.

While spending a few more minutes trying to gauge the area around him and spending some more time to examine for anyone hiding around, he decided to move forward on his journey and not waste more of his precious time here. While the three-eyed spirit monarch was on his way towards the Sacred ruins, an old man out of nowhere appeared on the spot where the Spirit monarch was earlier probing " looks like that old fart is gone, this time I was lucky to have practiced my demonic arts to the peak and trained my soul sea to the third stage, which made it easy for me to use this demonic orb to create the terrific illusion from earlier that even trapped the powerful spirit monarch for few seconds, giving me sufficient time for escape. I better need to have more patience before starting on my revenge on this bloodthirsty and savage monster race and uprooting them completely from this land, I should first wait for the complete resurrection of this old and ancient-looking tower over the ocean surface to get it's legacy otherwise my hard work and preparation from the past three hundred years will go down the drain".

While looking dearly at the demonic orb in his hand, the old human started to think about his past, when he was just a lowly slave working in the territory of the silver tiger spirit king, who was ambushed and killed, just a few days ago. It all started about three hundred years ago when an old man named 'Liu Yaojing' along with his beautiful young wife and a lovely daughter was working as a slave in the outer camp of the silver tiger king, a powerful spirit beast king who had the authority over the large coastline, near the western ocean, were his large army of monstrous beasts along with five powerful spirit beast generals were stationed by the order of his majesty the three-eyed monarch. About a few distances away from the barracks of this large army, near the western coastline of the ocean, around fifty small huts made out of bamboo sticks and leaves of the coconut trees were been used by around two hundred human slaves that the silver tiger king had brought along with his army to perform the daily chores for them like hunting, fishing, mining and serving drinks and food to the army.

The family of three, of Liu Yaojing, was living a blissful and happy life over a small hut situated near the remote western corner and a few distances away from the other huts. On a sunny afternoon, the family of three- husband, wife, and daughter were having a heartful meal while sitting on the floor with the wife serving the food to her husband and their nine-year-old lovely daughter in their small hut, when continuous knocking of the door from outside was heard, disturbing their peaceful lunch. Standing up to open the door, Liu Yaojing was a bit irritated and angry about the continuous knowing and decided to give a warning to the person outside, only to find a ten-year-old boy standing outside hitting the door with his head in a playful manner," Uncle Liu, had you seen Liu Xiner, we were playing hide and seek this morning and she told me to become a seeker and search for her, it has already been an hour since the game started and I had been searching this whole time around our western coastline and the bushes nearby, only to come empty-handed", While complaining about the absence of the little girl the boy tried to enter the small hut only to find a small cute looking nine-year-old girl Liu Xiner hiding behind her mother with only her small head visible that was taking a peek at the boy with her round googly eyes.

Seeing the small girl playfully hiding behind her mother with some leftover food still sticking out of her small mouth, the intestine of the little boy started to burn in anger " Liu Xiner, what are you doing here hiding behind the back of your mother and eating leisurely while I had been tired searching you from the past one hour in this sunny afternoon. If you did not like the game or wanted to play with our group, you should have informed us earlier. From now on we will not include you in our games anymore, you better start playing on your own", Interpreting the face filled with food peeking from behind her mother as teasing, the little boy gave a stern warning to the small girl to not play with them again.

Feeling wronged by the sharp words of the little boy, the little girl started crying loudly," Big brother, little sister was not trying to fool you while playing the game of hiding and seek. Earlier when I was trying to hide behind the Yew Bushes, my father who had just returned from his fishing trip caught sight of me and picked me up from the ground to take me home for food while believing my constant request as banter to play more. So, please big brother, don't leave Liu Xiner behind" the little girl started to cry more audibly by feeling wronged by both his friend and father while asking the boy to not boycott her during their next games.

Seeing his only little girl crying loudly and being misunderstood because of his tough stance earlier of neglecting her plea to play more, the old man Liu Yaojing started feeling guilty and sad and started to ease and comfort her by picking her up " Who said my lovely daughter will be left alone without any friend to play? Little Xiner don't cry until your father is alive, If no one place with you then this father of yours is there for you to play, if you want we can even include your mother in the games of yours, although she would be a little shabby in the game and loose easily in front of my genius daughter. So, you better smile up or else this old father of yours will also start crying along with you " while itching her small round belly, the old man Liu Yojing tried his best to make his one and only daughter smile.

Hearing the comforting words from her father and getting the pinky promise from the small boy to play with her, the easy-minded little girl started jumping with happiness. Seeing her only little daughter bouncing and jumping all around, warmth filled the barren heart of the old man Liu Yaojing as there were only a few slaves in this world who had been married and that to have children while others spend their entire life being single and living alone. This was the ugly fate of the human race who were just like some chess piece to be used by the powerful monster race, with no permanent place to stay or a house to call home, living a married life was both filled with uncertainty and stress and, it was like some god's grace for the old man Liu Yaojing to get both a loving wife and a cute little daughter, that had made his bland world colorful with her birth.

As more peaceful days passed for this small and happy family, on one evening as if cast by an evil eye, their blissful life became hell from the news of the death of their only daughter, who was believed to have drowned in the ocean while playing near it and entering the depth unknowingly. On the night of that unfortunate evening both the parents of the little girl Liu Xiner were sitting outside their small hut stone-faced and lifelessly without a single drop of tear coming out of their already dried eyes.

Seeing the parents of the little girl Liu Xiner moaning outside their hut after the news of the death of their nine-year-old daughter, the little ten-year-old boy who used to play with the little girl and was her only friend decided to go towards them by keeping some secrecy and vigilance towards his surrounding. Standing in front of the dead-looking parents of the little girl the small boy also started crying horsly while uttering a single sentence in his timid voice, " Uncle, Aunt our Xiner had not died due to drowning in the ocean while playing, instead was killed...