Old Foggy Flood Dragon

After the arrival of the Old monster Xi into the audience hall, the entire hall became pin-drop silent with every person standing in reverence towards the mysterious old man. Entering the hall, the old man Xi, started to gawk at the three-eyed spirit monarch with a wide creepy grin on his ugly face.

"Hahaha, Little three-eyed, why had you come this far, were you already missing this lovely uncle of yours?", While sitting on the chair placed adjacent to that of the monarch, the old monster Xi who was only an uncle in the name because of his closeness with the father of the monarch started to joke around with the three-eyed monarch in an offhand tone.

"Uncle, I can't say much but I have an important business to deal, for which I need to enter our sacred ruins, so please provide me with the permission to open the mechanical doors present at the cave leading to the sacred ruins" while speaking formally in a hushed gentle tone the three-eyed monarch who was now the ruler of this land was for the first time asking for permission from others, that too within his own kingdom.

Before the establishment of the Holy Mountain City, everyone was able to freely move within or around the land of the Holy mountain and there were no rules and regulations placed on anyone regarding the trade or crimes taking in this place, but all of this changed after the release of an official decree by the father of the three-eyed monarch, old foggy flood dragon which stated that the Holy Mountain and the area around it from now would be directly governed by his brother Old Xi, and a new city named Holy Mountain city will be established for activities like trading, exchanges and worship that too also would be administered by this brother of his, with the inner region of the city been converted into a fortress, were at least a dozens of spirit kings along with a large no. of army personals will be placed and all the big or small activity taking place near or in this city and a few miles around the Holy mountain can only be performed after the permission from this Old Monster Xi, of whom no one had even heard before the release of the decree.

With the release of such an austere decree, everyone was astonished and amazed about the real identity of this Old monster Xi, because for the first time in history old foggy flood dragon, who was the most lecherous and powerful person at that time and had been famous throughout this land because of his obnoxious or contemptible nature and indulging himself into women and alcoholism had taken part in any kind of mundane affairs that too by releasing such a unrelenting degree which would even affect the ruler of this land while stating that any discreet who tries to disobey this decree would be directly challenging the authority of the old foggy himself and his large army, which was now under the command of the three-eyed monarch.

" Oh, so you want me to open the gates of our sacred ruins, looks like that douchebag brother of mine was not able to keep his mouth shut even after my stern warning and had told you something about the day of the eternal prophecy and the arising Asura tower " while looking towards the sky, the Old monster Xi shook his head in annoyance. Hearing the Old Xi mentioning the eternal prophecy and the name of the unknown tower, about the genuineness of which even he was a little skeptical before, the three-eyed monarch froze on the spot and felt like a bolt of lightning had passed through his body as he started to look towards this mysterious old man about whom even he knew little.

Seeing the questioning gaze directed towards him after the slip of the tongue, Old Xi started to shake his head again and started to talk discreetly with him using his powerful spiritual sense" Little three-eyed you're like a child to me and I had seen you grow from your infancy, so as a father figure I would like to warn you one last time that not everything under this heaven is comprehensible and somethings are better left on their own because there are things that are even beyond the grasp of the heavens. So, instead of wasting your time worrying, you should better let the nature take its own course. I had tried to alert your father before about the same and told him not to interfere or mention about such things, but regretfully that fool had not listened to my advice and interfered with the heavenly ways with his crappy cultivation, now he should better be prepared for the heavenly wrath".

Saying till here with his divine sense, the Old Man Xi started to stand up from his chair and moved towards the exit of the hall while again shaking his head in regret. Seeing the old man Xi leaving the hall without saying anything, everyone along with the three-eyed monarch, who was still lost in his thought started to follow him. Coming towards the center of the inner city where the large platform with a monolith statue was established, the old Xi man came to halt before the huge statue of the mouth of the sacred beast and placed his hand on it while starting to chant some ancient Sanskrit mantras. The pitch of the old Xi's voice started to increase with the passage of time until even the reverberation of the echo from the monolith stone became so high that it became unbearable for others to stay near it, as a result, everyone including the three-eyed monarch started to drift backward because of the great force created by the reverberating sound which was even affecting their bodies now, except the Old monster Xi, who was still standing like a firm pillar in the same spot without being affected at all from the beginning.

As more and more mantras were ornated by the old Xi, they finally started to affect the monolithic gigantic statue making the statue shift little by little until a narrow underground staired path present at the original spot of the statue started to become visible. " Go, now you can enter through these underground stairs path that will lead you straight towards the cave of sacred ruins. You're lucky to be my sworn brother's son otherwise after installing this path, I'd decided not to let anyone enter, even if he is a ruler of this land and also if someone really dared to try, then no one can save him from his doom. I had already installed the nine-hell protective array throughout this mountain and If anyone tries to enter forcefully then he would only be leading his life to the doors of hell because no one is able to break this great array from the day of its creation, not even the Immortals, let alone the cricket of this plane and also this is a final warning to you as your uncle, don't try to seek more than you can digest, rest is up to you whether you want to live or trend on the steps of your foolish father" while reminding the monarch once again, the Old monster Xi turned away and went on his own way. Seeing, the departing figure of the old man which was now releasing an otherworldly haughtiness and arrogance since the time he had known about this uncle of hist, the three-eyed monarch started to feel waves of tides churning his body and realized that there were still things that he cannot grasp with his current strength, closing his eyes for a little inorder to calm his palpitating heart, he then ordered the Phantom lord, Ling Wejing to wait for his return from the sacred ruins while giving orders for others to depart.