(Cale Lestin vs Kylo Ren.)

Chapter ten:

Meanwhile, Cale looked with a smile on his face to see an enraged Kylo Ren step out of the ship. Stomping towards him gripping his lightsaber as if he were a child. This is what he deserved. Pain and frustration. Now, he knew what it felt like too. It was then Cale Lestin noticed the scar on his face and his smile widened. Kylo Ren stopped walking a couple of yard's from the two and sneered.

Did you two come to say you forgive me? To save my soul? Kylo Ren asked.

No, replied Luke Skywalker. Cale gave a chuckle and pulled out his lightsaber again. Igniting the blue blade once again.

You heard the old man Kylo Ren... let's finish this. Said Cale Lestin.

Before any fight could begin Luke started to fade away. He looked around shocked before looking at Cale with a look of realization.

What did you do? Luke Skywalker asked Cale. I got this don't worry about it. Cale replied to his question.

With that, Luke Skywalker was completely gone. Kylo Ren's anger was apparent now. His chance on killing Skywalker was gone now because of Cale Lestin. Everything was because of Cale Lestin. Now... he needed to finish him once and for all.

Kylo Ren shook off his cloak and ignited his crimson red crossguard lightsaber.

This is where it ends, Kylo Ren said. Enough talking. Replied Cale Lestin.

Kylo Ren pointed his crimson red lightsaber at Cale Lestin before sprinting at him as fast as he could. Cale blocked the blow of Kylo Ren's crimson red lightsaber and Force pushed him back. Kylo Ren stumbled a few feet away before running at Cale Lestin. Cale jumped up and kicked him across the face sending Kylo Ren straight to the ground. Kylo Ren got back up and rushed at Cale Lestin. However, Cale decided to play with Cale Lestin a bit. He unignited his blue lightsaber and curled his fist.

Kylo Ren swung his crimson red lightsaber aimlessly around and Cale ducked. Then, Kylo Ren was met with an uppercut to the face. While his head was in the air, Cale Lestin kicked Kylo Ren's crimson red lightsaber out of his hands. Before Kylo Ren could even breath Cale continued his assault.

Right jab. Left jab. Right hook. Left hook. Uppercut. Kylo Ren's head was in the air again, grabbing his hair Cale Lestin pulled his head down and lifted his right knee ramming it into Kylo Ren's nose.

Kylo Ren held his nose but that didn't stop Cale. He grabbed Kylo Ren and lifted him into the air before slamming him on the ground.

General Hux watched from the ship and had enough. Ordering the controlist to leave Kylo Ren behind. The ship lifted off and turned around however... boom the ship was shot down by a energy blast.

The Resistance member's all turned their heads to Croc who lowered his smoking blaster rifle. Everyone has been watching the fight and were smug that Kylo Ren had finally got what was coming to him. All but two. Leia and Rey. Leia felt sad to see her family fight. Yes this needed to be done... But so viciously? Her son was bloodied and beaten... he deserved it but she couldn't help but care.

Rey on the other hand was angry. At who you ask? Her apprentice Cale Lestin. He was going to get himself killed. Cale was the man that she loved. Rey was currently hiding behind some burning rubble from afar. She was going to interfere incase things got rough. Right now... she was contemplating it.

Back with Cale Lestin he was circling Kylo Ren with a digusted face.

Get up. Said Cale Lestin.

Kylo Ren glared at Cale with his bloody face and shakingly stood up.

Fight back, Cale ordered as he gave Kylo Ren a right hook to the jaw. However this punch was different from the others. It had the Force backing it up. The punch connected sending a shockwave blasting Cale Lestin and Kylo Ren apart. This caused Rey to immediately bolt towards their direction, trying to defend her apprentice and her love.

Meanwhile, Cale was sprawled out on the ground with bloody knuckles and a thought ringing through his head. Did he go too far? Deciding to end it, Cale stood up and ignited his blue lightsaber and walked over to Kylo Ren. Once he reached Kylo Ren he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Yes, he knew Kylo Ren's story. Parents that were wary and neglectful of him, an evil man playing with his mind, being the heir to the Skywalker name. It was all sad. Cale pitied him. But that didn't give him a excuse to kill hundreds of people. A tear strolled down Cale's face just thinking about it. This... finally gave him closure. Pointing his blue lightsaber at Kylo Ren's face Cale began to speak.

Kylo Ren... you are under arrest. Said Cale Lestin.

Cale was suddenly Force pushed by Rey.

No you won't hurt Cale anymore. Replied Rey.

What the hell Rey? Cale asked her.

Rey's enraged face slowly loosened into an apologetic one.

I thought he was going to kill you. Rey told her apprentice.

Suddenly she shocked Cale Lestin, Princess Leia, and the entire Resistance.

Kylo Ren then stabbed Rey through the stomach.

Rey had a confused expression looking down at her stomach and then at Kylo Ren. He had a crazy look in his eyes and smile. Rey's face started pouring with tears.

Ben I thought, however Rey was interrupted.

That we had something? How naive of you to think that I would want you. A scavenger left behind by her drunk parents on Jakku... you were just a pawn in a game that as no need for you now... you were born as garbage, you were raised as garbage... and now you will die... garbage. Kylo Ren replied to Rey.

Kylo Ren pulled the crimson red lightsaber out of a broken Rey. Rey fell onto the ground. Breathing and alive but only temporary. Cale grabbed his blue lightsaber form the ground next to him and stood to find Kylo Ren limping towards him.

Why? Cale gritted, seeing as how his Master Rey was about to die in front of him.

You think I wanted to do this, to key Rey? That's not what I wanted. I wanted no needed to take her out in order to prove my ultimate goal... peace throughout the entire galaxy. Replied Kylo Ren.

Peace? You call this peace? Death and destruction is peace to you? Cale asked Kylo Ren.

No dumbass... I'm taking about clear skies and full stomachs... a paradise... if it wasn't for the Palpatine lineage... everything would've been okay... Rey's grandfather is a Palpatine... and she needed to be taken out. Replied Kylo Ren.

Cale scoffed in disgust and disbelief. Before arresting Kylo Ren, for what he has done to his Master Rey.