One Month Left, But Still Preparing

April 8th, 1947

Youden peered outside his window, during the misty morning. After all these months and all this work, it would all lead up to this. He could see the short walls finally completed and encircled the island as far as Youden could see through the thick mist. Today would be the day of the test run of the landing of their invasion, only a month away. The army men couldn't have been more excited. The only thing Youden was worried about, was whether the practice would be effective or be a complete disaster. They couldn't afford such a mistake as doing so would be costly.

He rushed downstairs and outdoors, towards the beach. There weren't many people on the street, except for schoolchildren, as everyone else had to practice defending the island in case of a possible backfire. One would never know what could happen. As Youden continued to walk towards the beach, he quickly checked his custom watch, as it had read 6:07 a.m. He continued walking as a carr drove by him, getting into its position when ready.

It didn't take much longer until Youden could barely see a large chunk of metal through the fog in the ocean. I'm surprised that they were even able to finish even one of these things on time, he thought. For today's run, they would only load a few tarrs and about half of the army would be prepared to just rush up to the beach. Once, that was done, they would continue to push towards the capital and once there, the simulation would be over. No weapons would be fired, as they needed as much manpower as possible without injuries for the actual event.

In the distance, he heard someone yell go and began to see movement coming out of the water. Soldiers appeared in their uniforms and helmets, carrying their weapons, but empty as they crawled through the water. Youden had also seen the transport boat move up to the shore as it began lowering the door for the vehicles to cross. Once the door was completely opened, one could hear the roar of their engines start as the tarrs and carrs came out.

Youden was impressed, with how smoothly it was going. Within minutes, much of the army had already rushed towards the capital and the simulation concluded. Now all that had to be done was wait. Saputa wouldn't even know what would hit them and by then they would have enough time to fully engage them, and plus with their allies assisting too, it would force them to stretch out their army, allowing them to rush into their lands. The thought almost made Youden chuckle. How could one not be better prepared than this? While thinking so, as the army began leaving back to their camps for final preparations, Youden walked up to one of the generals. He had remembered that one of his generals had to tell him about a new group that he had set up for their plans.

He waited at the beach until the general had come back to shore off the transport ship.

"Good day, sir! I have good news to share." he enthusiastically stated.

"It's about the group correct?"

"Yes, I can't wait to show you to them. Some of the best fighters found in our original group and the island chain." the general stated, as they began walking towards a carr waiting for them. Because Youden would see this group and what they were about.