
It was a comfortable night on April 8th, 1947, as Boom stared at the full moon deep into the woods behind the Academy. He remembered fighting Jamal not too long ago here, with such an improvement noticed he couldn't be more proud. The tournament only being a month away and who knows how it would go, he pondered as he was waiting. As if someone was waiting for his thought to finish, Erythema came from behind the bushes, wearing a cloak to protect her identity.

"Do you think it's time? With Youden actually alive out there, it might be time for the essence to be used." she whispered to him, making sure no one could hear what she was saying just in case.

"Relax, no one is nearby. And still, I have my doubts we may really need it." he replied back, shrugging his shoulders, "We'll have many more people to take him out besides me. It would be unnecessarily. Plus, who knows if it's able to survive down there after all these years. Could be nothing there at all, we don't know."

"But do you really think those kids are ready to fight him, I mean with a year's training compared to who knows how long. This is serious! If one of them uses it, then maybe it might be enough."

"Look, we're going to him, and at the end of the day, they're aware of the sacrifice they will be willing to take, even if it kills them. Do I think there probably ready? Of course not. There a bunch of kids, but we'll be there to fight alongside them."

"Should we still tell them about it, just in case?" she asked, noticeable a bit more worried.

Boom turned around to look into her green eyes.

"There will be nothing to worry about, my friend. I'll know when the time is right to tell them all about it. But until then, we should be okay, hopefully."

And with that, they both nodded at each other and walked back to the Academy, waiting for that moment to come.