The Attack On The Capital Is Soon To Come

Youden walked into an open clearing, with a general by his side, and watched a few of the Ariocasters being fueled up during the dark night. They would scout the city, before they would begin to drop their bombs, to demoralize the people living there. A few other scouts that he had sent to blend in with the crowd fleeing, had already told him that chaos was ensuing and that the nation could not even keep their people in check anymore. It was such a shame, really. But, the more of it, the better for him.

He walked up to one of the pilots, who was cleaning the controls of the craft until he saw Youden approach him and quickly saluted.

"It's an honor to meet you again, sir!" he greeted him.

"Ah yes, I'm just here checking on the mission. When are you guys leaving?" Youden asked him.

"I will leave in only a matter of minutes." the pilot told him, finishing a final spot, while an Ariocaster took off into the sky, in the direction of the capital.

Youden shook his hand and walked away, back to his general who was studying a paper of their current progress.

"This isn't right, just look at it," he told him once he was closer.

He was pointing at several towns around the capital, and Youden couldn't see anything wrong with it.

"There are just towns? We can wave through them easily." Youden said.

"No, look at this!" the general pointed again, this time at a certain spot.

It appeared as if there was a certain colored space in some mountains north of here, going all the way down to a sliver of coastline.

"That's the poor nation of Suruthum. Not much is known about it since it's so cold and difficult to reach, but the people there are extremely poor. They have no allies, and will not be a threat to our army. Should we take over the land?" the general asked.

"There will be no need. We don't need to waste resources on a wasteland. We have more important things to worry about, like the campaign to take over the capital. Why don't you tell me more about that?" he asked, as they walked back onto the path, a carr waiting for them in the distance.

"Well, once we have enough of our forces about two miles away from the capital in two weeks, it could take anywhere between three to several months to capture, depending on their defenses."

"Haven't you seen their army though? I mean look at them! Our technology is superior to theirs! We having armored moving cannons that can bring down a house, and flight machines that can bring down and decimate towns! It will not take us long to take it, and in fact, we shouldn't even be worried about any resistance they put up."

The general nodded in agreement as he sat down in the back of the carr. Youden passed him and got in the front before they lurched away to Deiram, hopefully completely taken by now.