Roars Of The Assault On The World

Youden had his special uniform on, as he inspected his elemental saber one final time. He didn't like using weapons, but what he could create, but having an extra weapon wouldn't hurt. With a bit of nervousness, he walked out of the building of the town they took over a week ago and stared down at the men ahead on the road. Over four thousand would be led by Youden on this part of the assault, as he had two others with thousands of soldiers as well spread out east and west from his location. The time to end Saputa was at the tips of his finger.

He walked past three of the latest weapons Lina had sent him, the prototypes of the newly-created artillery, one that could fire from at least twenty miles away if they wanted to. But this was close enough. Getting up to the front, he put his hands up in the air, asking the men to be silent.

"For far too long, we have been disrespected and mistreated, no matter what powers we have or not. Saputa, hear me and hear me well. You've lost plenty of battles yesterday, you will lose the current battle today, and you will be conquered tomorrow!" Youden cried out.

The men roared with approval, hyped up for the bloodshed to come. Usually, Youden would disapprove of this animal-like behavior, but for this one moment, it was to be deserved.

"We've worked so hard to get here, with our new might and advancements the world hasn't ever seen yet, soon we shall be the strongest nation in the world officially, and anyone the stands in our way will be defeated as brutally as so!"

The men were hollering for more, and Youden provided it.

"But today, the only thing in our way from certain victory is Saputa City, the capital of the miserable place known as Saputa. I know this will not be an easy task and for some of you, this will be the final speech you ever hear from me. Now look around your brethren and remember them," Youden said, the men looking at each other, "Know that despite how many of us fall, we will never stay down, and we fight until nothing is stopping us from defeat! At dawn, may we lay siege upon this city, and we shall end their ruling once and for all!"

The cheering erupted even louder, and it felt like those in Saputa City could hear them miles away. Let them have fear struck in their hearts.

"Let's get on the move, we only have an hour left until the charge officially starts! At dawn, the end will come. March!"

They trudged deeper towards the capital, passing by houses with people looking outside their windows in fear. Oh if only they knew they were saving them from the truth, at least that's what he and his men would tell them. Life would probably be worse for some of these people, but once everything was really under his control, then he would make the place prosper again.

There were a few skirmishes to the side but were dealt with swiftly. Minutes later, he could see the road opening up, reaching the edge of the eastern side of the city. He could see many men in trenches as they were probably shouting commands to hold it down, until they probably had all their forces at that very spot, with other members sporadically placed around in other trenches prepared for other attacks. He could see in the distance, the southern front beginning their attack, but was mostly static except for a few yards traded between sides.

Checking his watch, he saw that it would only be a minute until it reached six o'clock, in which they would begin their attack ahead. With no threats, he told his men to wait until they heard the sound of their artillery being fired. He, of course, made sure they actually worked and for them to target only certain positions that were given to them, in order to avoid hitting their own men.

It was quiet, as both sides looked at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Then, three large bings were heard, as a sharp whistle could be heard approaching until three explosions occurred behind the men in the trenches, hitting valuable weapons and materials if needed to hold the invading army off.

"Attack!" Youden cried out, the men following suit, rushing towards the defending army, who quickly recovered from the explosions behind, and began using their powers.

And so on this day, June 3rd, 1947, was the day where The Great Battle For Saputa City had begun.