Youden's Personal Army

Youden strummed his fingers on the desk, as he stared into the eyes of the Southern Diplomat. He had so many plans for their nation, it would only be a matter of time, but for now, he would pretend he would help them.

"So we've been receiving problems with the tarrs you've sent us. They don't move." the deep accented man said.

"Ah is that so? They were in perfect condition when we sent them. Perhaps it's the sand?" Youden asked.

Of course, the sand wouldn't do much to it at all compared to dirt and earth, but he didn't have time for this.

"But we were promised that these tarrs woul-" the man began to speak.

"Look, I'm going to get straight to the point. I have a more important issue to deal with right now, and you can discuss this with our diplomat to your nation. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to work."

The man began to stutter to explain his case before he was quickly directed out of the room. Once he left, he dialed a number into the calling device, or nicknamed the caller, as he picked up the speaker.

"Bring them in." was all that was said, before he pushed it back in its spot, ending the call.

A few moments later, a knock was heard, and he allowed them to come in. There were six people in dark cloaks as they quickly saluted him, before standing straight up. He studied them briefly before he smiled. This was what he was looking for, unlike those Masked Fighters, that were probably dead for all he remembered or did he kill two of them? He couldn't recall, but it didn't matter at this point.

"As you may have been told, this mission is very important for our nation and most importantly to me. It's very simple. Capture this man, Jamal Wrint. I need him alive." he told them, taking out a file of him, with the latest photo found.

"We already read about him." the man in front told Youden.

"Then find him, although I will admit, it's very good to know you all have read the file. That show's your serious."

"We're going to need an Ariocaster for that, as it says he was last seen in Suruthum." another woman chimed in.

"Why?" he asked them, before looking back in the file, and then smiling.

They were geniuses. Especially with Yodenia advancing further than the world has ever seen, they could do more things safe and more efficiently, and it just so happened that they've been developing their Ariocaster so they could reach higher altitudes just fine.

"I see. Access granted. I'll get you guys set to go in an hour. Remember, I need him alive. You will be paid well. Good luck."

They quickly saluted him, before leaving the office. Youden just smiled to himself, as he stared at the portrait of himself. It was good to be the leader, and no one could take it away from him.