Closing In On The End

Youden stared outside the window, of a military march outside the Palace. Ah yes, he remembered the day they took it over, as he stood in the very spot leading to the courtyard of the engagement. Alas, this time things would be different, and they weren't capturing anything here. It's been a week since he finished updating the Operations Folder, with Suruthum under Operation Endings. What a fitting name, for the hopeful, no, the true end of any resistance in his way. And, as more soldiers began to make their way through the city, it would only be a matter of time before the march to their land could begin.

He could hear zooming above the Palace, as he stared into the sky to see Ariocasters fly above him. Those must be the latest experimental ones, as he noted what appeared to be fire coming out from the back, instead of the usual propellers. If what they told him was true, without powers it would have taken them five years to develop, and which he was thankfully grateful for. Except for Jamal's existence, it would be a problem. This time it'll be different.

As he sighed a breath of relief, he stared at the paper in his hands. A motivational speech, nothing more, and just a quick way to boost morale. It'll do, as he opened the Palace doors to a crowd cheering his appearance.