It's Time

Youden stared at the clock in his office, watching the seconds tick down on his office clock. Only five more minutes, he sighed, as he heard the ground temporarily shake, before staring out the window to see three of the lastest Ariocasters dash through the sky, their afterburners barely visible from where he was sitting. It was about to be time, as he stretched his arms before getting out of the seat. It was about time to do what he waited for once his army recuperated, and properly. Grabbing the caller, he pressed several buttons before waiting for an answer. It rang several times before a click occurred.

"Sir, our forces are on standby." he could hear someone tell him.

"Start Operation Calamity," Youden replied with ease.

"Yes sir." the man replied back, before hanging up the machine.

Grinning, he put on the jacket he left on the chair, before opening the door, and onto his way to the balcony of the complex. Moving through the building confidently, he grabbed the handle to the balcony and swung it open to see a large crowd awaiting his words.

"Hello citizens of Youdenia!" Youden roared to them as he eyed the small microphone in front of him, to which they saluted and cheered him on for those few words.

"I'll make it short and to the point. We have long been oppressed, and since the collapse of Saputa, we have risen back to the top. The world during this time was no longer at its peak and has fallen to utter dismay, and I fear that soon Youdenia will too be touched by such disarray, and so I officially announce the Great Campaign, we shall purge this continent of all inferior nations on what should be our land, including Suruthum, before we force the world to understand our struggles and fear us. We shall not have to fear any longer, and instead, let this new world begin! May our powers bless us to victory and long live Youdenia!"

Youden stared into the crowd, as they cheered of joy, before walking back into the complex. The time for reckoning was now, and the payment couldn't come sooner. And as for Jamal, he was personally going to greet himself.