Faking Your Death To Live Isn't So Easy After All

Jamal heaved deeply, taking in every breath he could possibly get. He was now in more pain than ever, and having your body stuffed into a box was definitely not helping. At least Leon managed to get his "dead body" cleaned up, to look pleasing to Youden. He didn't even know how he didn't get caught yet, but for that matter would he be blessed for his fortunes. The only thing that wasn't helping was the literal internal suffering going inside of him.

He recalled as he barely had his eyes open to watch as they carried him back into a large carr away from the woods, one that could fit all of them, before they sped off the dirt road to who knows where. Whatever became of the blooming forest fire, Jamal actually considered the thought, before the carr hit a bump. It forced him to suck in air before attempting to stifle the shock and pain that erupted across his body. Jamal couldn't even tell if he was in a power crash like in Suruthem after erupting in what was now a weaker form of his blue fire state, as he steadied himself with the vehicle lurching to a stop.

"We're at Toxasville?" he could hear Brat ask in surprise. "That's still at least three days away from the capital. Why can't we get an Ariocaster?"

"Does this place look like an airport could be established here? At best we drive for another day and reach Lexington again, and try to catch a ride there." Alice announced, "But we need to get some fuel and any future actions we should take prior to us leaving here."

"I'll watch the body." Jamal could hear Leon state, as he heard shuffling coming towards his way. He was going to get some movement at last.

"Leon, why have you been so protective of the body?" Hops asked, shocking Jamal.

Hops, don't do this, Jamal was mentally begging, I can't afford it right now. He could feel Leon shift his weight in the vehicle, as some of the others had already gotten out. At this rate, he knew that getting some must needed fresh air wasn't happening.

"If people find out we have the most wanted criminal in this box, who knows what they could do it." Leon attempted to persuade.

"Why don't you go outside and get some time off? I think I can watch it for you." Hops walked up to the box.

In defeat, Jamal could here Leon huff in worry, before exiting the ride, leaving him and Hops by themselves. Hearing the door close, Jamal took each remaining breath as shallow as possible, with steps approaching towards his way. Before even getting in a comfortable position, the box was lifted open, and Jamal was greeted with Hops face looking at him.

Getting a good look, he could note minor burns on his neck, with a more severe one covering half of his face. It looked bad, until one remembered that going to a professional healer could remove much, if not all of the damage, in mere hours if done properly and correctly. Jamal opened his mouth in surprise, before Hops pulled out a pistol and aimed it at his face.

"Well, well, well. Jamal Wrint still lives, after everything you've done, especially to me."

"You were the guys to attack me!" Jamal spat out, before the pistol was cocked back.

"You know how bad I want to kill you. After gaining your trust for years, only for it to be betrayed at the apartment complex and back at that field. What a shame."

Wait, he still remembered that? Jamal thought they were all being controlled by Youden, or willing to work with him. Something was off.

"Um, how do you remember that?" Jamal gulped.

"Like how I remember your name?" Hops grinned back, "You do remember what happened back in Suruthum? How you made Ula leave you, and you were the reason I was being controlled by Youden!"

"Dude, are you good?" Jamal began to worry a bit himself, "I messed up in the past, and I'm trying to correct everything. That's all. I don't even know why you suddenly recognize me, out of all times?"

"You fool, it was when you launched me in the sky." Hops figured out, "You must have done something to my head or brain, because next thing I know, I wake up back on the ground, and my head was foggy, but I was beginning to remember prior events."

"So you and Leon have gotten out of this control." Jamal was pleased with the result, "If that's the case, then you need to join in my plan to kill Youden. You can kill me afterward."

"I don't think so." Hops said, as he put the weapon onto Jamal's head, "After seeing Leon study you especially before being placed there, I knew that you were somehow alive, just like you always manage to do. So you're going to do exactly what I wish for you to do and my way, and any complaints will result in your permanent end."

Jamal considered his offer. It wasn't like he had many options to work in the first place, with his body severely weakened and in no position to wrestle control against Hops and the weapon at hand. For now, it looked like he was going to have to compromise among more people in order to stay undercover.

"Fine. It's not like I wish to do this in the first place. What are you trying to do?" Jamal asked with a bit of concern, not trying to get as off-topic as possible.

"Simple. We're going to start with what you and Leon had been developing. We will kill Youden, and we will free the others from the control he put us through. But what I'm going to do is-"

Hops didn't finish, before Leon re-entered the carr, looking at the both of them. They both stared at him back, before Hops aimed the pistol at him.

"Don't move!" Hops said, "I'm not afraid to shoot you either!"

"Hops," Leon assured him, "Calm down. We've both been through a lot and right now I'm not trying to deal with these issues. So what we're going to do, is quickly negotiate and resolve any problems we may have among each other."

Jamal looked at Hops, who was gripping the pistol tightly at Leon, who stood there menacing but in a calm manner, before Hops dropped the weapon in surrender. What was he doing, Jamal was confused, as Hops slid the weapon towards Leon.

"You didn't want to kill both us, didn't you? At least not yet?" Leon asked him, to which Hops shook his head in agreement. "Regardless, you either can join us or keep silent, but we're going to free the last of the members, rescue Ula, make up our indifferences, and kill Youden. Apparently, this is going to be Jamal's way of making up for what he "did" in Suruthum, and if it doesn't, then I don't know what will. Are you in or will you keep silent?"

Jamal stared back at Hops, who was squeezing his fists tightly, forcing veins to pop out of his skin. Despite the challenge it would bring, Jamal could only hope for the best, and that the plan would be more realistic and possible, the more members were freed.

"Just because I really want to kill Youden," Hops hesitated before finishing, "I'm going to be interested in this plan. But if I get the chance to get my fair share of vengeance, then I will do so and swiftly."