International Conference of Despair: Part Three

Youden walked ahead of everyone, as they made space for the demonized man. He actually won his case, and there was no one left to ruin it for him. As long as the vote leaned one way, the founding members could have no vote in making a final decision. The resulting rule had in fact, saved him and without a doubt were those nations against his actions.

As he continued to march towards the dinner room, he marveled at the interior. The Fuishem Presidental Palace was a marvel in it's self, created a mere 309 years ago, all the way in 1642. He couldn't lie, they truly modernized the place to the best of their ability, although without modern lighting made it a bit darker than to his liking. Alas, he reached the large doors that lead to the room made for feasts of kings, as two of the Fuishem guards on sight opened it at his sight.

Inside, he was greeted to dozens of butlers, in place for anticipation of any of the leaders arrival, for that time was now. Youden continued to walk towards a cloth table in the back, as one of the butlers approached him.

"Sir, can I offer you assistance or anything to drink?" one of them rushed to him, holding multiple bottles with multiple arms.

"No thank you." he shooed him away, as more leaders began to file in.

Finally reaching his destination, he sat back in comfort, as instantly a waitress phased in front of him, holding a pad in hand.

"What can I get for you sir?" the waitress stunned him with the arrival, as she handed him a menu.

Before he could provide a response, he heard shuffling across from him, and stared to see Neikoya sit in front of him, already holding a glass of brandy in hand.

"We'll like the most exquisite meal that will be on the menu, alongside a glass of Georn Wine for Youden Qey here."

The waitress bowed, before phasing out of existence, leaving the two together, with many of the leaders getting settled, while several more continued to surface inside.

"What are you trying to do?" Youden asked, to which the woman laughed.

"That's not the way someone starts a conversation, especially after stopping a world war so destructive from happening, is it? I expected more gratitude." Neikoya stated.

"I know you're here for a reason, whether it's to flirt with me, gain tech from me, it's just getting something from me, so I rather you got to the point now."

"I want a lot from you. I just can't say so here." Neikoya laughed again, as she downed the glass, before waving a butler for more. "I rather want you to fully accept the Moxoes Pact existence, and by joining us."

Youden looked around, as no one paid them any mind at all, while the woman stared him down.

"Or what?" Youden called the bluff, "You can't do anything."

"But we can." she grinned, as she pulled out a set of papers out of the purse she had on her. "You may want to look into that."

Looking down, Youden's eyes widened in fear, causing him to pause for breath. Somehow, she had info on everything he said, including reports on the invasion plans, forced labor, and various activities that would likely be unethical to most nations. He couldn't really believe it. He had to pull through.

"This is quite clearly forged." Youden replied with some thought, "We would never do these things to our people."

"You're really bad at fooling someone like me. I've had people within your own military acquire this information. Something so valuable wouldn't want to be shown around, would it?" she raised an eyebrow.

"But I know this is all faked. There is a serious process before anyone can just, just join. I'm not being conned for personal gain."

"But you will." Neikoya smiled back, as if she wasn't threatening him, as the waitress rephased back in front of them, with a platter of food.

Youden began to calm himself down in relief, as the food began to be set in front of him, a bit hunger from the hours of talking throughout the day. He was going to hold, and stay strong to the very end, and future measures would be taken into account to remain so.