Chapter 1

I woke up and realized I wasn't in my room. I stood up, as I realized I'm in a cleaner room than my own. " Where am I, " I said and a voice spoke. [I'm your system and I'm sending all of the information to your brain, so we can start, my name is X] X spoke and information flooded into my brain. After a couple minutes I took in all the information. {Status} I said.


Name: Jayden Salvatore Age: 17

Bloodline: Human

Power Level: No

Str: 3 Agi: 3 Dex: 3 Vit: 3 Sta: 3 Mag: 0 (3 in everything except magic is the average stats for an regular human, 0 magic is the average stat for an human,)

Stat Points: 0 DxD Points: 0


Sacred Gears:



[Host you have a free gift, say Open Gift and you'll get it] X said and I nodded. {Open Gift} I replied.

[ Gift Box-

24 Stat points

100 Dxd Points

Angel Bloodline with Skills

Rank F Katana ]

{Add 4 stat points to everything and show my status} I said. [Adding 4 stat points to every stat] X replied and my status was shown.


Name: Jayden Salvatore Age: 17

Bloodline: Human/Angel

Power Level: Low Low Class

Str: 19 Agi: 19 Dex: 19 Vit: 19 Sta: 19 Mag: 7

Stat Points: 0 DxD Points: 100


Magic- Level 1

Holy Power- Level 1

Holy Fire- Level 1

Holy Lightning- Level 1

Holy Aura- Level Max

Sacred Gears:


Angel Form- Stage 1(to upgrade this form, he has to use it numerous times or buy something from the shop that will help, as he upgrades itm his stats and skills will upgrade and so will the pair of wings he has, also the halo will appear in this form)


Rank F Katana

Light Dagger

' My stats are good and from my memories, I'm in America, and the time is 5 months before Issei becomes a devil, ' I thought and started to prepare for then. A while later, I left my room and went downstairs to see my mother. " Jayden, I decided to send you to your aunt in Kuoh Town, Japan for school in five months, as I'm going to be traveling for my job in two months, so you'll stay with her, " my mom said and I nodded. ' So I guess I'll be meeting the main cast in two months, ' I thought and ate breakfast with my mom. She then drove me to school and I went to my class.

" Jayden, my mother heard from your mother that you're moving to another country, " Chris, this body's best friend, said and I nodded. " No, Jayden, if you leave the school you will only have ugly boys, " Kim, this body's other friend replied and Chris glared at her. From my memories, Kim and Chris are twin brothers and sisters. " I'm sorry, but I'm only leaving because of my mother's job as she won't be with me in two months, " I stated and the teacher came into the room, who was an male. ' I feel an angel's presence, ' the teacher thought and noticed it was coming from me. ' He must've just become an angel, I heard he's leaving for Japan where most of the angels, devils, and others are, I should train him before he leaves, ' the teacher thought and class started. A couple hours later, school was up, but me and my homeroom teacher were the only people left. " Mr. Jones, what did you need me for, " I asked and Mr. Jones smiled before a glowing light appeared on him.

After two minutes, the light disappeared and Mr. Jones had a bright gold halo above his head with 5 pairs of angel wings from his back. ' 10 wings, two more and he'll be as strong as the four seraphs, ' I thought and Mr. Jones spoke. " Today, I noticed a holy aura from you, so I decided to train you, as I guess you just became an angel, so for the next five months until you leave for Japan, I will train you to make you able to protect yourself, " Mr. Jones said and I nodded. ' This is great, as I have a very strong angel here to teach me, ' I thought and we started my training.