Chapter 3

A couple hours later, all of them except for me are drunk. I forgot the name of the game we played, but everyone except Nazuki tried to get me drunk, but failed. Right now, I'm taking them to Nazuki's room, as she told me it was next to mine when she took me to it. A couple minutes later, I'm in my room with a locked door, and all of them are in Nazuki's room. Why is my door locked, I have an feeling one of them are going to try to come in here, as I don't want to fuck none of Nazuki's friend, they are pretty, but I wouldn't fuck any of my cousin's friends. {X which Longinus can I buy} I asked and was shocked at the answer. [You can buy Zenith Tempest for 299,999 DxD, Incinerate Anthem for 300,000 DxD, or Unknown Dictator for 243,673 DxD,] X answered and I was shocked. ' Should Zenith Tempest and Incinerate Anthem be higher, but I'm going to buy Zenith Tempest, ' I thought. {Buy Zenith Tempest} I said. [Buying Zenith Tempest for 299,999 DxD] X replied and I knew that I needed to train this to get way stronger. I summoned all elements in my hands and played with them.

The next day, I got dressed in the school uniform. Haruki said she'll drive me to school. I went downstairs to see Nazumi, Haruki, Nazuki, and Nazuki's friends eating. " Jayden, I won't be able to drive you to school, as I have to take Nazuki and her friends, but Nazumi told me she'll take you to school, " Haruki said and I nodded. I ate pancakes and eggs. " Thank you for the food, " I said and left the house with Nazumi. " Jayden, tomorrow me and you are hanging out, " Nazumi said, as we got in her car and drove to my school. A couple minutes later, we reached the school and I got out of the car. " Thank you, " I said and walked towards the school building ignoring what was said about me. " He must be a hot foreigner, " one of the females said, while the males were jealous of my looks. " You must be Jayden Salvatore, I'm Souna Shitori, this is Tsubaki Shinra, I'm the student council president and she's the vice president, follow us, " Sona said as I reached the building and we went to the student council office.

She told me which class I'm in and we're I'm supposed to go. I'm in the same class as Issei. ' It's time to have fun, ' I thought and went to my class.

----------------------------------------------- A couple weeks later ----------------------------------------------------

I've gotten stronger. I befriended Issei, Asia, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Sona, Saji, Tsubiki, and Rias. Rias had ordered Akeno and Kiba to keep a watch on me for the first two weeks of me being here, to see if I was special, which I am, but kept it a secret. Sirzechs had sent Grayfia to keep an eye on me for a week, but they didn't notice anything out of order. I had fucked Aika as she was one of my favorites. I also started dating her, but she was the one who decided to keep it a secret, which I had no problem with. I flirted with Akeno and with her flirting back. Me, Nazumi, Nazuki, and Haruki had gotten way closer. I didn't gain any new skills, as I kept the same order active. I'm confident enough to fight Sirzechs at full power for 20 minutes as long as I stay in Angel form, and my special type of magic won't work on him, as my magic only works on people weaker than me. Right now Kokabiel is attacking them and I'm heading towards the school, because I decided I'm going to show my powers. X told me that Vali's dividing power won't work on me. {Status} I said.


Name: Jayden Salvatore Age: 17

Bloodline: Human/Angel

Power Level: Ultimate Class

Str: 2748 Agi: 2731 Dex: 2574 Vit: 2146 Sta: 2386 Mag: 1291

Stat Points: 0 DxD Points: 50,000


Magic- Level 74

Holy Power- Level 70

Holy Fire- Level 66

Holy Lightning- Level 62

Holy Aura- Level Max

Sacred Gear:

Zenith Tempest- Level 37


Angel Form- Stage 5


Rank S Katana

Light Dagger

I arrived at the school and saw the barrier. I walked towards it to see the student council looking at me in shock. " Jayden lea..., " Sona was saying before I disappeared. Issei was about to touch Rias boobs to power up, but Kokabiel's right arm was blown off. Everyone was shocked at what happened. They were just losing, when Kokabiel lost his right arm. " Argh--, I'm goi..., " Kokabiel was saying, before they all saw a person standing behind Kokabiel with 5 pairs of Angel wings, 10 wings. You thought it was someone else, but It was I, Di... me. " Aye, fallen, I kinda wanna test out my strongest attack on you, if you survive, I'll kill you quickly, " I said and Kokabiel was about to speak, but I punched him into the ground. BOOM. Kokabiel is now laying in a 30ft crater. " Rias, that's Jayden-Kun, " Asia said and they were shocked that it was me. " Kokabiel, now stay there until this is ready, " I said and one second later, a light spear was in my hand, but it was covered in fire, lightning, and wind. I then threw it at Kokabiel and he couldn't move because of the pressure. BOOM. Kokabiel is now missing his arms and most of his lower body. The only reason he survived is because Vali Lucifer appeared at the moment to save him. He's in the Balance Breaker, but his armor is all cracked because of the attack. ' Vali, that attack was so strong that if you get hit with another one you will die, so leave now, ' Albion said to Vali. " I have orders to take him, s...., " Vali was saying, but I appeared in front of him. I'm now looking down at him. He's feeling weaker in my presence. " Take him and tell Arazel to come to meet me next time, " I replied and Vali disappeared with Kokabiel.