Chapter 7

I appeared at a seat next to Seekvaira Agares. I grabbed a wine bottle from someone walking by and looked at Seekvaira for a second. " Who are you, " she asked and I smiled slightly. " Jayden Salvatore, you, " I answered, playing dumb about not knowing who she was. " So you're the angel that Rias was talking about, I'm Seekvaira Agares heiress of the Agares Clan, " Seekvaria said and I nodded. " Seekvaria, I'm going to warn you know as you seem cool, keep a lookout for Diodora Astaroth, he's not what he seems to be, " I replied and Seekvaria was about to say something, but I had already walked towards Rias and her peerage. " Akeno, are you feeling alright, " I said, taking a sip of the wine in my hand. " I'm a little sore, b..., " Akeno was saying, before Arazel walked over here with Baraqiel. " Jayden, this is Baraqiel, my other bodyguard for tonight, he's also Ak..., " Arazel was saying, but I had moved Akeno behind me as Baraqiel looked at her. " Jayden Salvatore, I'm the one who's fucking your daughter, " I introduced myself, Arazel was laughing in the inside by how I said this, while Rias and her peerage except for Xenovia blushed, as Akeno slightly blushed. Baraqiel looked at me, as he's taller than Akeno, but shorter than 6'0. " Baraqiel, Akeno's father, " Baraqiel replied. " You're not my father, " Akeno said, coming from behind my back. I then noticed Koneko left with Rias and Issei following behind her.

A couple minutes later, we're in the meeting room with the three of the four great Satans , Michael, the devil council, and the stars of the young devils Zeekvaria Agares, Diodora Astaroth, Sairaorg Bael, Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas, Rias, and Sona, and their peerages. After everyone was saying what they wanted to do if they won, it was Sona's turn. Sona is also a girl I liked and I have a date with her in two weeks. " I would open a Rating Game School that is open to all races, " Sona said and the devil council started embarrassing her saying that it's not possible and it won't happen. A suffocating Aura appeared making everyone freeze in fear and notice that the aura is coming from me. " Say one more thing about Sona's dream being impossible and I kill every devil on the devil council and help her make the school, " I smiled devilishly. ' He's supposed to be an angel, ' the people who knew what I was, they thought. " W..Who a..are, " one of the devil council members asked. " I'm Jayden Salvatore, the one who will kill you if you say something wrong, " I answered, but the council wanted to know what I am. " Wh..What are you, " another council member asked. I decided I might come out as a devil-angel hybrid. " Some of you know me as an angel, but my real name is Jayden Lucifer, grandson of Lucifer and an angel, " I answered, showing six angel wings on my right side and six devil wings on my left side, shocking everyone here.

" You're his grandson, " Sirzechs asked and I nodded. " Don't worry, I'm not with the old Satan Faction, and I don't want the Lucifer spot, so keep going with the meeting and I'm going to get something to drink, " I said and left to room, but as soon as I did, an magic portal appeared under my feet making everyone in the room come out and look at me. " What the fuck is go...., " I was saying, before I was teleported into a dark space. " Siding with these Lowly races is unfit for you father, " Loki said, appearing with his three wolves. " What did you do to Jayden, " Arazel asked and Loki smiled. " The Khaos Brigade told me about him, so I prepared something to get rid of him, " Loki answered and they were wondering what could stop me. " Go m..., " Loki was saying, before they felt DEATH appeared. " Loki I'm Coming For You, " I said, coming from a portal in the air and making everyone kneel with my aura. Loki couldn't even turn his head when he heard my voice. I made True Longinus appear in my hand. " Can I hear you scream in PAIN, " I said and stabbed him in the stomach, making him yell in pain. I then twisted it as it made a bigger whole in his body. " Are you scared, " I asked and made an black ball of destruction appear in my hand. ' That's destruction energy, ' they thought as the black ball went into Loki's mouth. His body started being destroyed from the inside out as he tried to get it out of his body. I was humming to the sound of his groans in pain. After three minutes, his body exploded covering my suit and the floor. " Clean, " I said, making the remains of Loki's body disappear. I glanced at Odin. " Odinnnnn-sannn, do I have to kill more of your children or can y'all continue, " I asked and Odin shook his head. I then looked at his three wolves before turning Fenrir, Skoll, and Hati into three small puppies.

I walked towards Akeno with the three puppies in my arms. " Akeno, this is for you, " I said, giving her Fenrir, then started walking towards Rossweisse. " This is for you, " I said, giving her Skoll, and finally walked towards Sona, giving her Hati. " Mark, " I said and Fenrir is now marked to Akeno, Hati is marked to Sona, and Skoll is marked to Rossweisse. " The mark makes only your three able to turn your puppies back into their true form, and also there yours for ever, also sign the fucking treaty before I do something, " I said and they went back in the room to sign the treaty. Everyone is scared of me now. A couple minutes later, the treaty is over, and now they are saying the people who are going against people in the match. I left the place and just walked in the forest alone. " It's kinda boring now, the only people who can beat me now are Orphis, Great Red, and the others, " I said and felt someone appear next to me.