Chapter 9

I woke up and looked at the naked Nazumi and Nazuki, who were covered and had their pussy filled with my cum. ' So in my harem, I have Nazumi, Nazuki, Akeno, Katerea, Aiko, Sona who's going on a date with me in a month, and Rossweisse, who's going to be here tomorrow, and we're having a date, ' I thought and got dressed. " If I make an peerage, I'm going to have Rossweisse as my queen, Nazumi and Nazuki as my rooks, Katerea as my Bishop, and if I want, I might make Aiko an reincarnated Devil, as a knight when I learn how to give her one of my sacred gears, maybe I should trade Rias some devil pieces for Akeno, " I said and went downstairs to make something to eat, as I'm going to be leaving in a while to surprise Rossweisse with an visit. I cooked breakfast for me, Nazumi, Nazuki, and Haruki. 40 minutes later, a limping Nazumi and Nazuki came downstairs with the help of Haruki. " There's breakfast on the table for all three of y'all, I have to do something today, " I said, walking towards them, and kissing Nazumi and Nazuki on the lips in front of Haruki, making them blush. " Love ya and see ya later, " I said, leaving the house.

I'm walking towards the area, where Issei and Akeno would've met Baraquiel, Rossweisse, and Odin if I didn't make her mine. A couple minutes later, Baraquiel, Rossweisse, and Odin saw me looking at them. " What are you doing here, " Baraquiel asked and I looked at him. I gave Baraquiel a paper with the address of Issei's house. " If you wanna make up with your daughter, go there now and don't be a second late, " I said and Baraquiel left, because that's all he wanted to do. " Rossweisse, we have 5 hours before I have to go check up on Akeno, so Rossweisse, I'm treating you like my slut now, and we'll have our date tomorrow, " I said, grabbing an blushing Rossweisse wrist and taking her into an love hotel, leaving Odin all by himself. I bought a room and took off Rossweisse clothes. "~Do you just wanna shake in pleasure~, " I whispered seductively as I took my clothes off. Rossweisse blushed and nodded. ' His voice and how he looks is perfect no matter what, ' Rossweisse thought as I helped her take her clothes off. I took my clothes off too. I grabbed her right boob. " ~Mhmmm~, " she moaned as my hand caressed her boob. I then started to suck her other boobs and finger her. "~Moorre~, "she moaned and I fingered faster. After three minutes she came for the second time. She saw my 12 inch cock. ' It's huge, ' she thought as I positioned it on her pussy. I then rammed my cock in her pussy. " ~Ahhhh~, " she moaned as she came from just half of it coming in. A line of blood rolled down my cock. I then made one big thrust and all of me was inside her. "~Sooo goood~, " she moaned as I went down on her. ' I'll play with her, ' I thought and leaned forward and started kissing her boobs. "~Moooreee~, " she moaned as I started thrusting and biting her nipples. I grabbed her throat with my left hand and started kissing her aggressively. CLAP CLAP CLAP. Was the sound of our flesh slapping against each other as I rammed her from behind. "~I love yooouuu soo mucchhh~, " Rossweisse moaned as she came for the third time. I then stood up and held her legs in a M-shape. " I'm about to cripple you, " I whispered in her ears, as I thrusted even harder than before. My cock went in and out of her pussy. "~I'm going duuumbbb~, " Rossweisse moaned as I rammed my cock deeper inside her and came into her. Rossweisse was panting and I chuckled. " We still have four hours to go, " I said and moved again.

4 hours later, I'm getting dressed, as I chuckle while looking at Rossweisse who is out of it. I went extra hard, as we didn't have much time. I told her about my harem while we were fucking. So I'd say if I didn't control myself more, I would've broken her spine. She's covered in my cum and has four pints inside her. I ordered some food for her when she woke up and left for Issei's house. I got there and went inside, as Baraquiel was sitting on the couch alone and I sensed Akeno in her room alone. I went to Akeno's room and she saw me. " Akeno, ...., " I was saying, before I let Akeno slap me. " Why did you give him the location of this place, do you kn *Hic*, " Akeno was saying, before she started sobbing. I hugged her and just rocked her. " Akeno, I know what happened to you when you were younger, I'm not saying he's not to blame, but he's not that bad, " I said and Akeno looked at me. " It's his fa...fault *Hic* my mo...mother died *Hic* , " Akeno replied, still sobbing. " Akeno, remember how you told me what your life was like before you met Rias, do you think Baraquiel would've just let your mother died if he really loved her, he's was as broken as you when that happened, because he thought he lost his wife and daughter, so for me, don't forgive, but give him a chance, " I stated and we just hugged in the silence for a couple minutes.

20 minutes later, Baraquiel left the house with the lunchbox of food Akeno gave him. Rossweisse is on the couch in the living room sobbing that Odin left her. I appeared next to Rossweisse. " If you don't stop crying, I'm going to fuck you in front of everyone, " I said, and Rossweisse stopped crying and was now blushing. I kissed Rossweisse on the lips, as she was so cute. " Jayden, did you just kiss Rossweisse, while you're with Akeno, " Rias asked and I nodded. Issei was thinking something and I smirked when he realised it. Issei ran towards me. " You have a harem, " Issei asked and I nodded before he fell to his knees. " Wait who's in your harem, " Rias questioned and I smiled. " The first one is Aika, yup from school, then Akeno, Katerea the one who attacked us at the meeting, Rossweisse, Nazumi, Nazuki, and Sona who's going on a date with me in a couple days, " I answered and Issei was shocked. " Who's Nazumi and Nazuki, " Asia asked. " They're my adopted cousins who I fucked yesterday, Rias, I like Seekvaria, so I'm going to ask her, " I answered and kissed Akeno and Rossweisse on the lips before I teleported home.