With a smirk plastered on his face, the arrogant prince proudly stood beside the strict king.

Watching the veiled up princess walking out of her quarters, the hallways were crowed with heavy numbers of servers already.

The princess is really going to do this trial in order to win the throne.

Followed by her royal server, the princess roamed her eyes around not being astonished to see the step family being already present there with the king downstairs.

Obviously they had to witness the destruction of the princess, even having the valid knowledge about where this all could lead her, the princess was still stubborn to perform this task.

She knew well that this very trial could bring heavy humiliation for her later, she even knew that tricking someone into loving is a sin... moreover a sin to lure a man practising strict celibacy.

Was she really that cruel?

Maybe, the situation was tough but she has to prove her worth and win the throne too. This was a fair game in a way, she wanted to seek revenge from her step family for underestimating her.

First her wrath drew her in, second her pride. Now she knew everything is fair in politics. Royals are snakes, truly!

The king believed his daughter had a stubborn fault which needed to be corrected, choosing the humiliation as a weapon to end up the princess's craze for the throne, the king was indeed too cruel to not see that it was his daughter he was hurting so bad.

How could a father do this to his own daughter?

"I wish you heavy luck, Princess Rosemary Jen."

The step brother bowed to the princess while standing a step behind the king with his mother, as soon as the princess was leaded in front of the king...

She bowed to the high honour, the veiled princess showed her respect even though she wasn't feeling like it.

It's the last greet she guessed, after this... she won't be a princess anymore but a queen with a win.

Though the path was full of difficulty. She decided to still choose it.

The king's eyes for a short second softened while looking at his daughter with no adornment, she was all wrapped up with a long veil.

Her beautiful features were hidden except for one, her eyes. Which showed no hint of respect and love for him.

"You don't have to do this, you can still back off."

The king reacted accordingly speaking coldly, as if he was hinting princess Rosemary to still back off from her decision as it was not late enough yet.

Obviously, he could do anything but never let her win... the princess scoffed at the choice of words.

Maybe deep down the king still had a heart which was beating harshly, witnessing his daughter being discriminated like this but that can't be counted well.

He caused a lot of damage to princess Rosemary's pride now which caused her to be stubbornly determined.

To the point where she thought backing off would mean a lose...

Obviously win meant a lot to her at this point and in no way she would let the king do his mind anymore. She started hating him at this point.

"Did you back off? If you didn't then how can I, father? I inherited your stubbornness."

Princess Rosemary replied with a hint of taunt, clearly she was betrayed cause she had no valid knowledge about the trial before she promised the king...

She was not told by him that he was involving a man practising heavy celibacy in her trial.

Which would make her trial impossible for her to win.

The king played her this time, he tested her and she was indeed going to show him that she shouldn't be the one to be taken granted from the start.

The step family witnessed the unchanged attitude of princess Rosemary with their eyes strict, the fact that she was still so clam and arrogant burnt their hearts.

Especially the step mother who stood behind the king because her being ranked lower... knowing she has no match to stand beside the king as a queen, she was already devastated and frustrated.

Same was the case with prince Harry who eyed the veiled up princess Rosemary with darkness behind the king.

He was the illegitimate son of the king which was why he got less liberties in many things as compared to princess Rosemary. It was all because she was born with the queen in hand.

She was the real blood of this dynasty.

The ranks and powers always made Prince Harry mad to no limits but what more did was, princess's confidence at this moment.

Even in the verge of losing her identity and undergoing a literal hell for upcoming 50 days, she seemed not to be much affected by anything.

It was like she did not even care a bit.

This very thing caused Prince Harry's ego to react a bit at the exact.

While the king was silent, maintaining his ego. He did give the last chance to his daughter to still back off which she refused.

Now obviously talking about it anymore would not make any difference cause she was the most stubborn child of his.

But a hint of guilt still surrounded king Louis deep down. It was his daughter obviously.

Princess Rosemary took a short pause while eyeing the step family with her strict and stubborn eyes which hinted clear challenge and extreme anger.

"Besides, It's just a matter of 50 days, I bore 15 long years with these poisonous snakes of yours. 50 days of labour won't harm me much I believe."

Princess continued a minute later.

Her way of talking caught the attentions of everyone which caused the step family to widen their eyes at her audacity immediately.

The princess was always straightforward and bitter with her speech, everyone knew that but she was never this harsh before.

She have never regarded anyone from her step family as her own, she had always distanced herself with their politics.

Clearly she had it enough now. While this could be the last very time for them to toy her around or play any tricks cause the next time she would return to be the queen already, she believed.

She was determined with her victory because she had a lot to prove to everyone who had taken her for granted.

"Rosemary, You-"

Offended with the angry princess's claim, initially the stepmother stepped forward in rage in reaction but immediately a hand a stopping her at the exact minute was his son's.

Prince Harry.

Never to forget where they belong, they knew their limits. The stepmother's eyes widen when she acknowledged what she was about to do, she was about to take the queen's place beside the king.

This could be a total disaster.

The king stayed silent holding his anger as well while the case was not same with the other two.

Prince Harry was burning from inside too, with the insult ringing inside his ears he dared to face the egoist stubborn princess Rosemary with his eyes yelling equal rage again.

Yet not the game begin but...

"50 days it is then. If you couldn't complete the trial then you are going to marry the King's choice without any word and drop your wish for the throne, princess Rosemary!"

Reminding the deal again to the egoist princess, the raging prince Harry hinted to remind her that it was too early to celebrate her victory yet.

The princess's eyes didn't drop a bit of arrogance still. Prince Harry soon drew a sarcastic smirk on his features while facing the princess with equal confidence.

"Let the struggle bring your ego to the end, then!"

Uttering, the prince roamed his eyes on the princess from head to toe for the last very time.

Judging her...

Her struggle started the moment she took her adornment off which she cherished the most, since she hid her beauty behind a veil which was her very only weapon.


Taking in an either way the Prince Harry roughly assumed, the trial won't be completed by her in any way because her beauty was the only thing which could have bring her the chances of victory in a way.

Yet unknown to the scheme of princess Rosemary, Prince Harry became a lot more confident than before.

"These 50 days, you are not the princess we know and we are not the family you know. None among the two would try to reach out each other, not until you complete your trial."

Prince Harry looked at the cold eyes of princess Rosemary again with strictness while narrating the rest of the regulations to her in a well manner.

The path was indeed not easy, princess never had been anywhere alone since she was born. She was very demanding and very choosy. She was moody with many things.

Surviving all alone seemed to be an impossible task for her, Prince Harry knew. He damn knew it too well.

"You got it?"

Questioned, the arrogant Prince with his tone hinting strict sarcasm.

The princess glared at him with pure rage as well before answering him.


Prince Harry smirked at her attitude for the last time while the king still chose to be silent. Prince Harry nodded then.

"Great. We will meet again after 50 days, Princess Rosemary Jen!"


The disciplined walls of the royal palace of Hooran were silent, master Xavier was sitting charmingly when his boon friend approached him by his side.

"What if one day you develop a greed for something?"

Prince Rogan questioned with his tone sounding curious.

Honestly, he never knew anyone so persistent other than his upperclassman friend, master Xavier have been like this since he was a child.

Serious and calm. Silent and majestic.

Upperclassman, master Xavier was believed to own no greed all around the young Europe. Though he was surrounded by all the luxuries but never any of those lured him.

He had fear to lose nothing, he owned no greed to have anything either. This thing about him always confused many.

"Never. I will choose death over living with any greed."

Master Xavier answered directly without any second thoughts, indeed it was the truth.

He was a very strict believer of celibacy, he was forbidden to own any greed cause that would break his oath. His oath to the mankind was his dedication and service.

That thing Prince Rogan didn't like about master Xavier.

"Why are you so harsh on yourself?"

Prince Rogan questioned master Xavier with a frown.

Seriously how could someone lead a life this way? With no demand, with no wish?

"Don't you want to have a family of your own? A woman who would make you a man of family."

Prince Roshan questioned again this time while looking at master Xavier with utter curiousness.

No one knew the upperclassman better than himself but guess, that was not so true.

"My territories are my home, my family are the people. My life is named to them, I need no one else."

Master Xavier replied solving the mystery of his boon friend, rather entangling him more into his words.

Master Xavier was a man of mysterious myth. Absolutely!

"Everyone needs a person close to them, one whom no people can match Xavier!"

Prince Rogan chuckled out while finding master Xavier's thoughts lame.

People obviously need someone to lean on, to whom one can show his weakness and be frank with. Obviously no other people can match that relationship and closeness.

"No one is important for me than my people."

Master Xavier declared in a serious note, getting the point of his boon friend correctly that people might think he is alone and harsh.

But he isn't.

The god like man who was leading the entire territories of young Europe had no wish for his own, he was breathing for his people and working for the same.

He belonged to his people and he had nothing to hide from anyone. Just like a book wide open for everyone to read.

The charming god of young Europe soon uttered another piece of statement seriously which indeed surprised the guts of his friend to no end.

"God they call me and god doesn't belong to only one."