"I intend to meet your master Xavier."
The mysterious lady spelled out her intentions directly without any hint of formality in her speech, causing the carriage man to be shocked with her claim in no time.
Poor man started sweating as soon as he heard her stating all that so easily.
She wanted to meet master Xavier?
That is impossible.
"Master Xavier never came across any woman's contact in his entire life."
The carriage boy gutted to reveal even though he was dead nervous at the moment but not being surprised with the claim still, Princess Rosemary cared less taking him by an unexpected surprise there then again.
"My veil would promise his security. I just want to have a word with the lord of young Europe."
The powerful words of the mysterious woman again caught the man's breath as he felt heavy chills rushing through his vessels.
Acknowledging the fact that the mysterious woman was a witch, the carriage man was already horrified enough to think straight but then hearing her intentions, he just became blank for a minute or two...
"Master would murder me for this dare, lady."
Immediate regret was reflected in him eyes, as the carriage man shook his head with a gutful denial.
This time giving his whole attention to Princess Rosemary who only looked at him wickedly.
It was the time to test her trick now, it was the the time to test her manoeuvre on the carriage man...
"Then get me off your carriage."
Uttering with heavy guts, the stubborn Princess behind the veil balled her hands up.
The least thing she wanted was the carriage man to care less about her.
He shouldn't do so.
Princess Rosemary had created a very evident false impression on him only so he could lead her way to her destination, that is where Master Xavier was!
So if her cunning scheme really did work on the carriage man, then he would not let her go that easily.
She needed to gain his trust and for that she need to toy his mind first to understand his psychology.
And for that, she needed to represent herself as a woman with no easy personality.
After the statement, a wild silence spread between the two individuals.
The carriage man happened to be thinking hard too which only added more suspense to the princess's guts.
The silent yet anxious princess from inside acted like collecting herself to get off the carriage meanwhile mentally praying repeatedly for her trick to not fail...
And it did not.
Just as the Princess opened the curtains to get off the carriage, the carriage man panicked.
"Lady wait!"
He uttered in hurry.
While halting her action, the Princess behind the veil smirked in victory.
Her sharp eyes indicated some weird confidence.
She successfully trapped the carriage man in her manoeuvre without any failure, her manipulation worked on the poor man as the very next statement from him proved his intentions well...
"Do you provide immortality?"
Questioned the disturbed carriage man as not being much surprised about the ask, Princess shrugged off.
"I am no god to provide immortality to someone but I can teach one how to achieve it."
Princess decorated a beautiful lie with perfection.
Meanwhile the carriage man's eyes sparkled at the same, greed and acquisitiveness were the only thing reflecting through his orbs.
At this point the carriage man acknowledged that the lady in his carriage was not just any normal lady, she could cure people with her magic...
The lady would come in a great help for the entire town of Sehran.
The town Sehran would definitely need her assistance as she possessed heavy skills other than just curing people...
She can teach one how to achieve immorality too.' Thought the greedy carriage man.
"Please me seated lady, I will take you to the master but if something happens to me you will have to promise my life back..."
Throwing off a condition in front of the mysterious lady, the carriage man seemingly paused a little at the end of his statement creating a sense of suspense for the Princess who waited for him to complete his words...
"And teach me how to achieve immortality later!"
The carriage man pronounced his wish finally, as Princess's smirk behind the veil only widened more at the foolish traits of the carriage man.
Greed can blind one.
Princess Rosemary was not surprised. After all who wouldn't want to live forever?
Death is a poison that everyone fears to drink...
Here the carriage man's wish to live forever was just a delusive demand for the Princess.
At least for the sake of living forever, he was willing to take her to master Xavier, for Princess Rosemary that was the only goal for now.
Princess Rosemary cared about no boundaries of lies or hoaxes now. All she cared about was to get done with her trial as soon as possible and win the throne.
And that was exactly what she was going to do!
"My word it is."
She committed behind her veil as the carriage man nodded happily.
Poor thing here dreamt to achieve immorality when his life was not even promised properly.
The cunning Princess folded back the curtains while getting back to her previous position again as she murmured under her breath.
"Stupidity is the biggest mistake!"
Princess Rosemary scoffed on her own, this time with a hint of arrogance under her veil seeing the carriage man to give in immediately.
He had his greed involved in here...
Hers was too.
The only difference between their greeds was, Princess Rosemary's greed was more keener than the poor carriage man's.
She dreamt to rule the throne in her father's possession and for that she was willing to do anything...
Her talent was not only the witchery, she learnt in her childhood also it was not even using any sort of magic to cure the people.
Her real talent was to portray lies so realistically that the other person had to give in to her wishes, she knew how to toy minds well.
To get what she wanted, she had to become someone she was not in the vision of the world.
Even though it was a witch or... just a sinful liar who could toy minds.' Who cares?
"Lady, you promised to protect my life and I am truly trusting you with that..."
The carriage man sighed out sneakingly looking at the backyard of the church in caution, where he had halted his horses carriage.
"Church? We are going to find him here?"
Questioned the confused Princess behind her veil while frowning heavily.
The scared carriage man nodded at her words while still looking around to not get caught by any one.
He drove to the backyard knowing well the entry would be crowded with all the important officials of the royal mansion being busy in the preparation of today's prayer.
The exit was the least suspected area from where he could sneak the lady to tour around the whereabouts of master Xavier avoiding most of the eyes of the men on royal duty.
No woman is allowed to come out of their houses in the day time.
Of course it is the time for the master to pray.
Other than master Xavier and the men of the town Sehran, no woman and even outsiders are allowed inside or around the church.
Acknowledging the seriousness of the moment, the carriage man was unsure about what to to do.
Even he hadn't figured out how to take the lady where she wanted to go.
Except for the fact that master Xavier would be found here today to offer his praying in the church, the carriage man had no other choice than taking the lady there too.
But he acknowledged well, nothing is going to work in here.
The lady cannot meet master Xavier so easily even if she wanted to.
He got tremendous security around him and the men of the Sehran would never allow any sort of disrespect in there lord's existence.
The lady can not go inside the church.
Absolutely not and that's what worried the carriage man.
He man was too confused about how to get the lady cross paths with master Xavier or maybe he just feared the outcome already...
What was going to happen if anyone got to know that a woman was out there in his carriage demanding to meet the lord of young Europe?
That was a clear death invitation!
Women were prohibited in Sehran at this hour but as the lady in his carriage demanded to meet master Xavier at any cost, the carriage man could not let her down at that.
He was blinded by his greed too.
"That's an early statement but I can still ensure your well-being!"
Princess Rosemary who had her one leg upon the another while sitting charming inside the carriage spoke, she looked at the scenery of the church sliding the curtains a little as the man tensed up after hearing her voice again.
The fact that every time she spoke, the carriage man always got weird chills down his spine... she always sounded so mysterious and rare.
Maybe the carriage man was just too scared because she introduced herself as a witch to him.
Or maybe there was something more to the matter which he would not dare to even think off..
"Master will peel my skin off. It is a treason, Never thought I was going to take such a huge risk for any woman."
The carriage man mumbled to himself while getting off his seat before again sneakingly looking around to see if there were still any men around or not.
"If it wasn't for her teaching me how to achieve immortality, I wouldn't have been here taking any risks."
His voice was low yet not so low to not reach the cunning princess's ears who chuckled at the carriage man's behaviour of talking to himself.
Poor thing was panicking hard.
Is that what fear looks like? Although the greed was a lot more important for him at the moment, yet to cause a treason to his own lord's policy was one harsh move to make.
Princess Rosemary sensed the horrified attitude of the carriage man who helped her out of the carriage carefully.
"Even acknowledging all the risks, you are still willing to take me here. Seems like you really want to achieve immortality so badly."
Princess Rosemary commented as she looked around the church with her judgemental eagle eyes.
Meanwhile the carriage man followed behind her, nodding.
"The world only exists for you if you're alive, lady."