last wish

I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry " A man in white gown crying heatedly, bending before me. His eyes were all blurry with tears.

"Don't say that! It's not your fault at all" I holding his hands from falling down. It's breaking my heart to see this man I.. I'm calling my father is laying down in this miserable condition, it's really hurting.

No! It's my fault it's my..!! I was the one who married you to him.. I Was wrong it's my fault I'm a bad father. " his voice is filled with guilt and regrets. Regretting the decision when he forced me to marry that Basterd. Regret to trust that person.

"Don't say such things "I'm crawling around him to make him feel better but the situation is not get any better.

"if I hadn't married you to him in the first place , it all shouldn't have happened all your divorce and my sky.....!! " He paused for a moment and started rethinking something, his eyes filled with tears his white clothes where wet because of the sweat..

"listen carefully "his eyes widened Suddenly holding my hand tightly he asked me to sit closer to him. " Run away" I was shocked, as I learned what he gonna tell me furtherer.

" Run away ! Don't come into any contact of those people and with him. Leave from here. Live a life you always wanted to, live as you want , love who you want to just don't come back" he pleaded me with joining hands.

I couldn't tolerate his miserable condition I'm not instate to see him like this.. I can't left him in this state when I know he will not be surviveing any further.

"NO! I said as I grabbed his arms "I won't. I want to be with you " I said as I cried heavily, I can't leave you here when I know you won't be living any long.." I paused when I saw dads smiling face.

" That's the thing I want to tell you, I'm not gonna live any longer,but I wanted you to live. I wanted you have a happy family of your own and you won't be having it if you live here any further."

His shallow eyes blinking in innocence,i couldn't hold but I don't want to live him alone when he is swing between life and death. I crunched his hand tightly.

" please ! my baby please! Listen to me I'm begging you, as it my last wish, please go away from here, go away from everyone. They won't let you live, please !I want you to live"

My mind and heart is in fight, my heart doesn't wanted to leave him but mind wanted to fulfill his last wish. Not Listening to my heart anymore as I promised myself when I got divorced, so I've decided to listen to my mind this time to live a life for my sweet loving dad.


After packing everything I needed I'm good to go. I was about to take the car key which was laying on the table. Light went off. Suddenly a hand grabbed my waist from back.

"What the Heck!" who's this I screamed loudly at the hands pushing me forward to the desk in front of the mirror. "who is this? I asked who is this? " there's no way to find out who was behind, holding me tightly. lights off ,no voice of that person,Nothing!

I'm scared to hell, it's the theif !,it's the theif !,my mind screamed,inside I was jumbling.

" See if you want, I can give you any amount of money you want, but please let me go please" I begged the thief in case he let me go.

"See there's my bag, in it there's lots of money it's all yours and I won't even call have to just let me go" I was panicking inside but I gave him Genuine offer, Yes! It's was genuine because I can earn money again but my life?.NO! .

"Yes! Ofcouse you have lots of money don't you?" I was shocked. It's the same voice. I'm sweating harder then before its the body started shivering again , I can feel my face turning in blue.

It's the same person, that I hated the most in this planet.

" what do you want Thomas!,why are you doing this to me ?"I said with the holding some of a courage in my voice.

"Oh! My petty wife don't you like the way i'm holding you? Isn't this position you loved in past? " now my body was turned toward him, my chest was touching his chest.I can feel the heat beating of both of us. My forehead touching his nose and my lips touching his chin.

"I don't now! You know we are over, so don't do this things " I tried to take hold of myself by pushing him back but nothing work as he was much stronger then me.

" You claimed that we are over, so what are you doing inside my house or is it that your still missing me, my love? " his graze showcasing his anger because of my trespassing in his place.

"I was just taking my stuff, don't think to much of yourself there nothing and I don't feel anything " I saw a small smile on his face, as if he was just teasing me with this baseless questions.

"but I told you earlier didn't I, that if you ever Show your face again, what was ,I gonna do to you?" his grip on my hands tighten as he little by little approached me towards the bed..

"Thomas! Don't do anything that you will regret later on" giving a last warning to him, breaking apart with all the strength inside me, but nothing worked.

"now I'll show you, what's its take's to not following my warnings "he said as he thrown me over the bed. He grabbed one of the pillow from the side. I wanted to run but his weight was all over my body, it was so much that it's unable for me to push him aside.

"I will now show you, how I will be punishing you."he took the pillow in his hands, hardly smacking it on my face, he started forcing it on my face making me harder to breathe.

It choking me down the pillow. I don't know what was happening. He was literally trying to murder me. And there was no one around. I was screaming but my voive was suppressed and stuck in my throat.

I'm sweating! I'm not getting any air it's suffocating, I'm dying. He is pushing all his weight, on the pillow that it's impossible for me to move.

In seconds I found my self in delusion,my eyes turning black.and my face turning blue.

What should I do? am I gonna die here. What about the promise I made to my father? What am I.....????


Hey FAM 🙆‍♀

How are all doing??

Having fun??

I hope you guys are safe and sound.

So today part was shocking as I portraited a persons last time of life. It's new to me as I never before tried to write anything related to that. But I hoped I was able to portray that in good was.

By the way how was his part please tell me in the comments as I will be reading each and every comments and try to give reply to each and everyone.. And yes you can also give some idea regrading some future story plots or themes.

Don't hate but you can give some construction criticism in the comments as I will be learning from its.

So don't forget to VOTE, SHARE, LIKE..

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