~Chapter 2 A City with No Name and A Reconnection ~

All hope seemed lost for Jack, the spell did not work, his family was gone. Why should he even want to be alive? He cocked the gun, its barrel rolled ending with a click. He gulped unsure about it but felt empty inside and drowning. His hand shaked as he held it to his head. His phone rang on his table, the interruption made him pull away the shot and the bullet hit the wall. He fell to his knees in tears, tossing the gun to the ground. "Please if anyone can hear me, take this pain away from inside of me" he cried. The room was silent, he felt his prayers unanswered. The lights flickered a bit but like before it was normal. He needed a drink...but it was not going to stop the pain.

Jack grabbed his bottle of whiskey and began to bing drink until he could not drink no more. "I... couldn't even do it." *hic* he took another sip. He began to get mad. "FUCK! WHY CAN'T I FIND THE BASTARD WHO DID THIS!!!" He slammed his glass in the floor breaking it. He looked down and noticed the mess and began to clean it up. "Fuck!" He tossed his table to the ground; he was just so full of rage, and he felt he had no control of his anger. Maybe he just had enough. He kept drinking till he was sound asleep and had a glass cup in his hand and almost gone bottle of whiskey. He looked up at the bilton board at the clues. "No there has to be more.... the hair sample. Had to come from someone or something."

"Your being crazy" he second guessed himself.

"Obsessed much?" he thought.

"IM NOT CRAZY!!!!" He threw something breaking it against the wall. His boss walked in right at the moment of rage.

"THAT'S IT DICKSON! YOU'RE GOING ON SUSPENSION! YOUR OFF DUTY!! NOW GO!" He felt the rage boil up, he wanted to hit his friend and take all he had away from him. He looked down at his hand shaking.

"Yea...maybe your right.... maybe.... I should" he was worried, he felt fear for the first time...from himself. Jack walked out of the police station thinking about what he just thought. "What's wrong with me?" He thought. His rage was getting out of hand, he wanted to kill somebody! He NEVER thought of doing that! Seemed like his drinking problem got bad also, so he thought it was time to go to AA and in which terms he had some help from an old friend. Daro Haddaway, she saved him multiple times from taking his life and she was there even when he needed the strength to carry on.

Weeks have past and he thought it was time he went out on a vacation out of the city and was sent to a manor by a man named Dalton Genus. Once he arrived the city name was known as "A city with no name." Finally, some peace and quiet. Once he arrived, he met the owner of the manor with his loving partner, they were strange and not strange in a normal way, in a time and space was controlled kind or way. The mansion towered down over the city like something you would see in a fairytale, big and beautiful but mysterious. It had an odd aura to it, the only thing that came to Jack's mind was, what had he gotten himself into? and what secrets lie within the mansion? He walked up to the mansion to not see anyone within the front desk but then there was someone there, out of thin air it seemed. "Why you must be Jack?" Smiled the man.

"How did he know my name?" He thought.

"Yes, Jack Dickson pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand for the man, but he looked at it and lead him to his bedroom.

"In room 4, Mr. Dickson, enjoy your stay and our accommodations and don't worry, all is well." Jack gave him a look of confusion and suspicion.

"What did he mean by that?" He wondered. Jack found this quite odd that he would say such a thing AND in such a way that would make him think that there was something more to this city, a city with no name. He walked into his room unpacking and decided to look out at the view and a glimpse of a man from his dreams showed up and then quickly disappeared. He was shocked and instantly felt he had to see he wasn't crazy. He ran quickly out the door towards where he saw him. "I saw him! I'm not going crazy" his insecurities were getting the best of him. "It was the man from my dreams, I have to know" he thought to himself. Jack ran from his room down to the garden where he saw him and looked around for him and found a strand of hair like the one, he found at his home. Flashes backs of the scene shot through his mind once again. "NO! NO!" He fell to his knees with a migraine of the memory, and like that also disappeared in an instant. He began to breathe heavy as he tried to calm down and to keep the evidence safe, he put it a zip lock bag and knew, there was more to this mansion than it seems.

He ran back inside with the clue he had, he knew he wasn't supposed to be working OR keeping evidence, but he wasn't going to give up finding this BASTARD! All clues had to mean something, and it had to do with that man he saw in his dream and now in real life. He ran inside not looking where he was going, and he ran into a woman. "Ouch! Ugh...sorry I wasn't..." Jack looked up after bumping into the women. "Daro? Daro Haddaway! Is that you!?"

She stumbles back a couple feet, trying to catch her balance. Once she regains her footing, she looks up to see who had bumped into her only to realize that it was her longtime friend. "Jack? Jack Dickson?" Her eyes lit up in excitement as she ran up to and hugged her closest friend. "It's been too long. How've you been?"

Jack's eyes light up as well and runs to hold her as well. "It sure has been...quite a while, how have you been?"

"Well, I've been doing ok. Things have gotten crazy at work, and I needed to getaway. So, I came here." She giggles afterwards.

"Oh work? Is that why your here?"

She shakes her head. "No, I came here because I needed some time to relax."

"Yeah, I would say being an office clerk could be a handful." Daro and Jack have been friends since childhood, they have always been a good team and he had always tried to protect her just like she always tried to take care of him. Jack goes and picks up the evidence from bumping into her.

"So, what brings you here?" She asks in curiosity. Jack looked over at her after grabbing the evidence the strand of hair that could help him find all the answers he longed for.

"Oh ummm...I was...told to go on vacation...."

"Really?" Excitement laced in her voice. "I didn't think you were the type to go take a break or go on vacation." She jokes.

"Ummmm....yea...didn't really have a choice...." Jack took a drink of whiskey. "Dang it! Damn habit" he yelled at himself.

"Is something wrong?" She began to worry.

"No....it's nothing" he lied. He hid the evidence. Jack and Daro walked up to his room, he had to get to his room with the evidence, now that he knew that bastard was there, and realized he was neighbors with her.

"You're in room 3?" She giggled.

"Feels like a coincidence, doesn't it?" She turns to open the door to her room but stops and turns towards Jack, hugging him.

"I hope you can find what you need for your case."

".... you're not going to scold me for being on a case out of work?" She pulls back from the hug to look at her friend in the eyes.

"Jack, you've known me since childhood. Do you really think I would ever scold you for anything?"

"Well...." remembering her telling him to pick little things when she would check on him and find clothes.

"I guess not really, no...." she went over to his room, as they talked closing the door privately.

A man stood outskirts of the town, he was wearing a tux, black hair and hands behind his back. All that could be seen was his back side with the city with no name on the horizon. He glitched to the entrance. He knocked at the door.

"Oh, why hello come in sir," said Julian. The man walked in with a gentlemen attitude and entered the building.

"Marek? Correct? Welcome to A City with No Name, let me take you to your room."

"Thank you" said Marek with his deep velvet voice, it was very alluring to the ears. He followed him to his room.

"Here you are sir, er...Marek."

"Marek, here is your room, room number 1" Room 3 from down the hall opened and Daro and Jack could be heard.

"No...it can't be? Can it?" He tuned out Julian's voice listening to make sure. "He can't be here?"


"Oh yes, thank you" Julian walked off and he heard them about to come out he went into his room quickly.

Jack saw Daro about to leave, he was saddened by it. "Daro?!" He takes her hand before she tried to walk out the door. She turns back just as she was about to step out the door and looks at Jack in sheer confusion.

"Is something wrong, Jack?" His heart raced, he remembered he always liked her as he was going up. "Ummm I was...wondering...if you would like to.... go out to eat?"

She smiles and turns toward him completely. "I would love that."