~Chapter 25 An Ancient and An Agreement~

Marek felt bad for what he did but at the time he didn't care at least not in the beginning of them sleeping together. "Apologies for upsetting the relationship." 

                        "I told him she wasn't worth it." Says Derrek crossing his arms.

                        "I should have known something like this was going to happen." 

                        "You're...you...just..." Marek groans at Derrek's comment and rolls his eyes. "If I had I known he was listening, I wouldn't have..."

                        "THAT! is why you cover your tracks. I did a good job till he let me out." He touched his nose. Daro appears in The Void. 

                        You see Marek and Derrek but didn't Marek didn't see her. "You..." stutters then growls at him and sighs annoyed. 

                        "Ah ah temper temper brother." Derrek chuckles at his anger.