~Chapter 34 Daro’s Journey Part 2~

He makes a straight face. "Some prince charming, dumb ox"

"He's just an old friend of mine. So, no worries, ok?" She walks past him and starts heading toward a lake.

"I know who he is! He just-he is soooooo much a PEST"

She giggles. "There is a lake up ahead. I'll race you to it!" She runs ahead.

"Wait what! You can't out beat me! I'm a demon!" he floats beside her and sticks his tongue out and floats ahead of her but then lands on the ground in front of the lake and slips and falls in a bit of mud.  She begins laughing hysterically and was not able to continue running. 

She walks up to him still laughing and stands over him while peering down at him. "Are you ok? "She asked through giggles. 

"Oh yea.... according to plan, I just-I just like the mud you know? Perhaps you should join me down here!" he pulls her into the mud too. "HA! Take that chuckles!"