~Chapter 38 Researching Why and Hello Julian~

Daro is sitting on the bed with a book in her hand as Marek walks up to the room and sees her. "Daro my queen." She looks up from the book and puts it down. 

  "Marek, I'm glad your back."

"I want to apologize bout how I spoke to you earlier. I just want to protect you."

She looks at him with a warm smile. "I forgive you Marek. I know you're trying to protect me and all, but I know how to handle myself." she lightly giggles. 

He lightly chuckles "I know." he leans over the side of the bed with her in the middle and he kisses her lips softly. She smiles and kisses him as to not be suspicious of earlier events she had with Derrek. 

He stops, smelling a different scent, it wasn't his....it smelled similar. It was Derrek's. He tried to also not to seem not suspicious. "Well. I must go. Duty calls after all, I'll visit later." he walks out with his hands behind his back out the door to Errors room.